Welcome to Signed Samantha

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to Signed Samantha.

For those of you that don’t know, this is my third kick at the preverbal can…And now, I’m back!!! Third time’s the charm, right?!

I started with a food blog in 2013 but felt I lost my creativity (also changed jobs and really did not prioritize it if I’m being honest). In 2016, I started a fashion blog with a friend. Eventually, we both felt it became more of a chore than any fun. Also, she had a baby (now two!) and I was in the midst of planning my wedding… needless to say, we ran out of steam!

Well, I’m back, feeling refreshed and am excited to combine all my passions into this creative space.

Where have I between in between then and now? Well, as I alluded to above, I got married to my love in 2017, had been working long hours in the corporate world, in spring 2019 we had our beautiful baby girl, and I have been on maternity leave ever since. Now that this blog has been away for a few years, I’m back working in the corporate world, but am fulfilling my passions on the side through this blog.

With the support of my family, I’m excited to welcome everyone to Signed Samantha and share everything including my latest DIYs, new recipes, beautiful home decor finds, and activities to keep your toddlers entertained.

I am ready to hit the ground running with many posts coming!

Thanks for being here and for following along.


Signed Samantha sitting at her computer desk

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