Three Things You Need to Clean This Week

Did you follow along in my IG stories this past weekend?! If you did, you’d know that I completely fell down the cleaning rabbit hole that is GoCleanCo. Literally, I watched EVERY. SINGLE. highlight. ALL. OF. THEM.

So Thursday’s three this week is naturally all about things you need to clean. As in things you need to clean right now. Things you probably have forgotten to clean. Or things you maybe didn’t know how exactly to clean (for me, it was my stove top).

Before we dive in, two of the three things you need to clean below are from GoCleanCo‘s story highlights – so go have a little peak there if you want the full rundown. I have the condensed version here – but I didn’t come up with these tricks! I’m just the delivery person.

Signed Samantha talking about things you need to clean and that includes make up brushes which are pictured drying on a white towel

Clean Those Make Up Brushes

The first of the things you need to clean this week… Makeup brushes!

Luckily I don’t wear makeup very often – or at least make up that requires a brush.

Why is that lucky, you ask?! Well, because I’ve had these makeup brushes for approximately seven years and have not once cleaned them. Isn’t that disgusting!?!?! Not once! That’s seven years of (very) periodic old grossness being painted onto my face whenever I used the brushes.

Anyways, in a highlight on @GoCleanCo‘s Instagram, they teach you what to do to clean your brushes. I always thought you needed a specific formula/to buy something to do it. It turns out you don’t!

You need:

+ A small squeeze of shampoo
+ Seven drops of tea tree oil


+Add it to a little dish, get your brush wet and dunk it into the shampoo/oil mixture.
+Swirl it around gently in the palm of your hands until you feel like all of the bristles are fully clean, and rinse it off in the water. Rinse until the water runs clear.
+ You can add a teeny drop of conditioner if you want and repeat the process.
+ Get two small towels so you can prop up your brushes on an angle to dry. Dry time was approximately 2 hours for me.

Signed Samantha sharing three things you need to clean - including your vaccum which is what Samantha is doing in this picture - vaccuming the floors of her house

Clean Out Your Vacuum

Do I wish the next thing you need to clean this week was actually a sponsored Dyson post?! Sure do! Haha! Since it’s not, I may as well tell you, clean the filter of your vacuums.

If you have a Dyson, they make it so stinking easy for you. Remove it from the vacuum and rise. Like actually, SO easy.

If you have another brand of vacuum – change out the bag or the filter if applicable. I also cleaned out the canister for the built-in vacuum because that was wildly gross too! There is 100% some aspect of your vaccum you can clean – and you should do it.

Signed Samantha's things you need to clean this week includes your stove top which is pictured here.

Clean Your Stovetop

Okay, the GoCleanCo IG highlight that started all of this: the stovetop. While I appreciate how thorough they are in what they have done and how they have shared everything – I actually found some of their product did not clean as well as I was anticipating – or maybe it is immaculate, and the rest of my stovetop needs a spray? Anyways, to be determined when I have a moment to do a further inspection.

You can watch their highlight, but my favourite takeaway on this one was for the grills and the burner tops.

You place all of it in a sink with hot hot hot water and two-three dishwasher tabs – depending on how dirty your stuff is. This worked well, considering how much effort you put into it. I let it sit in the sink for 1.5 hours – it probably could have gone twice as long, but I needed this task to be done, LOL. Then you drain and scrub with a brush. Almost everything came off when I scrubbed.

Rise the soap off, and away you go! Clean as a whistle.

Those are the three things you need to clean this week. Curious to see if my Thursday’s three turns into a GoCleanCo test page…


  • Erin

    These are great!! I am SO lazy when it comes to cleaning pretty much everything, but especially things like this… My makeup brushes & sponges? A disaster šŸ™ˆ Definitely going to take some inspo from this post though and get cleaning!!

    • Samantha

      It’s hard enough maintaining a normal cleaning schedule but then these little things are constantly missed! It’s even more overwhelming. Don’t put pressure on yourself to do it. I find it comes way more naturally to me when I’m in a cleaning mood!

  • Anisha Somji

    This was so helpful! We empty the dirt from the Dyson everyday and take our any hair at the bottom that is entangled. I need to make sure we are cleaning the filter once I find out what part that is and how!! Lol
    Thanks for the helpful post lovely!

    • Samantha

      The filter is key! It’s so easy to do as well. I hope you found out how and now you’re vacuuming with a sparkly-clean dyson. Knowing you, you’ve probably done it twice already. Haha!

  • Ros

    Great idea on soaking those those burner tops in dishwasher tab filled water! I will for sure try it this weekend. I am never happy with how mine turns out, I always think they can be cleaner.

    • Samantha

      I agree! That’s why I knew there had to be a better way! I hope this helped get your burner tops a little bit cleaner! XO

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