Three Things I Want to Organize

Okay, here’s the thing. After my kitchen tour earlier this week, I received many requests to see how I’ve organized my pantry. Truth be told, my pantry is organized enough, but not overly organized. It is something that is on my hit list (one of three things I want to organize in my kitchen), but I haven’t gotten around to it. There are more things I want to organize in my kitchen, and I’m here, fully exposed, ready to share them with you.

Some of the things I want to organize are fine enough, as in I know where everything is; some are just a straight nightmare. But I’m showing it all to you. I did not touch any of these spaces before photographing – they are fully lived in and in their real life glory. I have found a ton of inspiration on Pinterest for how to reorganize, some of which I’m sharing here today. Here we go, three things I want to organize in my kitchen and ways I’m thinking about doing it.

Signed Samantha is talking about three things I want to organize one of which includes her spice cupboard which is pictured here. spices tiered on the first shelf, a turn table of baking goods on the second shelf, and a container on the third shelf. It needs some TLC

Organizing My Spice Cupboard

First up, my spice cupboard. Overflowing – naturally – needs a wipe (usually I’m too short to see) – but also organized chaos? I am fully aware that it can be so so so much better than what I have going here. I have some excellent inspiration going on Pinterest for what I want to do.

The theme is simplicity. I want plain white labels with a simple font. It is the jars that are a toss-up. I would love to get jars with wood lids, but the shaker component is missing for me. So I will likely settle for jars with metal lids that have the shaker element. Consistency in this cabinet will make a huge difference aesthetically. I have some inspiration below. If you click on the images, it’ll take you to the owners webpage.

Dream Spice Cupboard Inspo

Image Source: Jen WoodHouse

Three things I want to organize part two - a look inside or behind one of my pantry doors to find boxes, snacks kind of all over the place, organized chaos if you will.

A Pantry That Needs Organization

Next up is my pantry. Again, it’s relatively all over the place. I admire those pantries that have the perfect matching system along with zero packaging. They look entirely uniform and gorgeous. Here again, I’m torn on my style. I’m really drawn to clear containers so you can see what’s in it but where I’m torn is on lid colour: wood or black.

Both are stunning – wood might make the most sense with the aesthetic of my kitchen.

Image Source: The Container Store


three things I want to organize includes this junk cupboard. It has such random things in it including pens, sloane's baby book, lysol wipes, a tape measure, post it notes, everything in it. It's another place of ogranized chaos.

The Dreaded Junk Drawer Situation

The last of the three things I want to organize: my junk cupboard!!! I’m not entirely sure what else to call this cupboard. It really is a catch-all hosting our pens/pencils, envelopes, note pads, cards, Lysol wipes, Sloane’s baby book (why here, though?!), wine bottle savers, the list goes on and doesn’t end.

Truth be told, I have no idea what to do in here, and if I did something in here, I’m not even certain it would remain nice and tidy, so the question is, is it worth it?! This last item of the three things I want to organize, I’m marking with a gigantic TBD. I’m honestly not sure what I will do with it or if I will touch it. If you have ideas, I’m here for them (I need all the help I can get on this one!).


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  • Rachel

    I’m drawn to the wood containers – all of my cupboards and my pantry need a full reorg.

    • Samantha

      I’m sort of leaning towards the wood ones too. They are so beyond cute! you’re not alone needing the full reorg!!

  • Erin

    Oh my goodness I definitely needed this inspo this week! I was just thinking yesterday how badly I need to reorganize our pantry & was planning on knocking that out this weekend. It’s just a disaster & I can’t even keep track of half the food we have in there! Definitely going to pull up your Pinterest organization board to get some inspiration flowing.

    • Samantha

      It’s funny how quickly it gets out of control! Our freezer is literally the worst. I constantly feel like I’m taking things out, organizing, and then two seconds later it’s a disaster. We have a little more cabinet space now so it’s not as bonkers… but still… I hope the board gets you into organization mode!

  • Shanice Bannis

    Oh my goodness. I love that you got three spaces you want to organize and that you got some inspiration of what you want too. You got this!

    • Samantha

      Thank you, Shanice! It’ll be a total work in progress but I’m here for it!!! Can’t wait until I make the more permanent move to make the changes.

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