Tea bar decor with a milk frother, tea mugs, cook books, a lamp, cinnamon shaker, and more

e have this little bar area across from our kitchen. Before kids, it started as just that - a bar. Then Sloane got older and became a collector of more kid-related items (i.e., art projects, random rocks, and as much costume jewelry as one can handle), and the bar became a full-blown dumping ground. I tried to curb it as much as possible by adding "storage" areas for the dumping. I had a wicker basket that did a fabulous job of hiding everything. I also had a black bowl that random "I don't know what to do with this" items got tossed into. While it worked for a few years, it had recently become an area I was cleaning out weekly; it was becoming cumbersome. So what did I do?! I got rid of it all and made myself a tea bar. Joking of course, I didn't get rid of everything we still need that "junk" area, but I put the random goodies and junk collector zone in the cabinet to the right of this tea bar. Hidden, where my mind is more at ease with it. Enough about the junk zone though, let's talk tea bar!

a tea bar decked out with mugs, milk frother and more.

The Must’s For the Tea Bar

We use Alexa regularly. I wish we had the newer version that is thinner and more sleek but this one works perfectly fine so there is no need to upgrade. Although it is large and cumbersome, it is a must to stay. Similarly, the milk frother is a tea bar must-have. I’m a London fog and chai latte girlie. There’s no better workhorse for that than my smeg to froth that milk. Everything else was sort of optional, but it just made sense to keep them there.

tea bar with wireless lamp, cinnamon shaker,

Accommodating Everything in the Tea Bar

The sort of optional pieces needed to live somewhere that wasn’t in their normal containers. Things like the Earl Grey tea bags – which I added to this two-toned stone canister. I can fit quite a few tea bags in here and it was a great price. Another sort of optional but highly useful in this area is my flavour. No Earl Grey latte is complete without some vanilla flavour so it got placed into this sweet pump. I also needed a place to store my collagen that wasn’t in the large plastic container it comes in. I had this super pretty glass canister that beat out the plastic container. Finally, my cinnamon and coca powder shakers. To be honest, the cinnamon shaker broke (command hook fail!) – I wish it didn’t but alas here we are. 

a tea bar decked out with mugs, milk frother and more.

The Most Beautiful Tea Mugs

No tea bar is complete without the perfect set of mugs to finish it off. Now, I like a big mug for my tea. None of this small 10-12 oz mug nonsense. I need that cozy feeling of drinking my tea to last for hours. Luckily these mugs can accommodate. They are my favourite mugs, from one of my favourite brands, Fable. You can read my reviews about their dinnerware and glassware. These mugs for the tea bar are a perfect 16 oz mug. If you’re not a tea drinker and need a small coffee, their cappuccino mugs may be perfect for you. Luckily to wrap up your tea bar with these mugs, I have a 10% off discount code for you: SignedSamanthaXO10Off 

a tea bar decked out with mugs, milk frother and more.

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