Super Cheap DIY Planter

Should Sunday be DIY day?! I’m seriously on a roll with these straightforward DIYs. I don’t know if I can keep it up, but for now, I’m here for them! This super cheap DIY planter is 100% my favorite new way to spruce up your outdoor plants.

When I say super cheap, I don’t even know if that covers it. Now the cost doesn’t include the hot glue gun or the glue for it because that glue gun and glue has been sitting in the craft basket for… years??? It also doesn’t include the plant. So this super cheap DIY planter requires you to have a glue gun (or any glue that will stick to jute and plastic) and a plant that is in a plastic pot. But if you have the pot and a hot glue gun, this costs you $3.75 to make!!! That is it!

So. Stinking. Cheap. Plus, it is an incredibly easy way to change the way your planters look.

My mom got me all of these mums (I wish she duplicated herself but sadly, I meant the plants) for our front door, and I am so grateful! But I couldn’t house them all in baskets that I already owned, so I needed to get creative for such temporary flowers. And so was born, this super cheap DIY planter.

Orange mums in a plain black plastic pot - before Signed Samantha started making her super cheap DIY planter

Original Planter 

This time, I remembered to take a photo of the original planter. This one is a medium-sized plant living in its original home in all of its natural glory – the plastic pot it was purchased in. I assume all plants come this way unless you’re getting them straight from someone’s garden.

I mean, the black isn’t overly offensive. It is nice and plain. I just wanted some pop and cohesion. I also wanted it super cheap since they only last throughout the fall… Theoretically. 

I mean, I, personally, have already killed four of the plants, and fall hasn’t even started…. so there’s that small fact: my plants survive twice as short than most (LOL – does that even make sense!?!?! I feel you know what I’m trying to say; I have a black thumb).

Two pots of mums, purple and orange. UYou can only see one pot - the orange flowers are in a super cheap DIY planter that Signed Samantha made using jute wrapped around the pot. White pumpkins are also in the background.

The Completed Super Cheap DIY Planter

I am SO happy with the result of this one. I wasn’t sure how durable it would be, to be honest. But so far, it is holding up well. It is placed in the open air, but undercover. I’ve watered the plant while in it – not in excess where it completely pours down the side – but a typical amount where some probably did trickle down. 

It looks great with the other two pots I have from IKEA and honestly looks like the most expensive one there. 

Need I remind you – $3.75!!!! Still overly pumped on the price.  

Let’s get into how to make this super cheap DIY planter.

Three pots of mums, some purple and some orange. One in a wicker basket, and the other in a super cheap DIY planter that Signed Samantha made using jute wrapped around the pot

How to Make a Super Cheap DIY Planter


+ Plastic pot that your plant came in (plant can still be in it when you make it)

+ Glue gun and glue for the glue gun (or any other glue of your choice – but hot glue makes it stick just fine)

+ Three 4m (13′) Jute from Dollarama ($1.25 each) – I should have taken an image – but this nice person uploaded one to redit, so here is what it looks like. I used two and half packages for the medium pot. I think a small one would take 1.5. Hopefully this helps you gauge based on the size of your pot.


1. Heat your glue gun and bring your plant, and therefore pot, inside.

2. Put a little bit of glue along the very bottom of your pot and, while moving very quickly, place your rope over the glue. Make sure the rope is right at the base of the pot.

3. Continue with the glue gun and guiding the rope – along tight to the base – so it sticks as you spin the pot in circles.

4. Once you’ve come full circle, continue just above your last piece of rope. Do this by adding your glue right above the top of the first row of rope on the pot and start adding the next row of rope – overtop of the glue, and tight to the previous row.

5. Once your rope runs out, add your next one, tight to the edge of the old one. Repeat until you’re pot is completely covered in rope. Then cut any excess and glue to the top.

This is a job where five arms would be useful, but you’ll eventually get into a groove. Add glue, add rope, spin pot. Repeat. Make sure the glue is close to the top of your last rope coil.

Hopefully, it makes sense – I will also put up a reel of it on my Instagram.


  • Erin

    Love how pretty these turned out! & all for so inexpensive. It’s a win-win! You’re definitely inspiring me to be more crafty, yet again. I will have to try these out once we decorate our porch! 🙂

    • Samantha

      I think it would look perfect at your new place! And a nice inexpensive option after having to move because I know that adds up quickly!!!

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