Sneaky Mommy Chicken Strips

This week’s sneaky mommy chicken strips recipe is dedicated to all the mamas out there whose toddler’s refuse every veggie you have ever put in front of them. Sloane, although a very good eater, will refuse any vegetable that’s put in front of her. I am lucky – I do have a loophole with this pickiness; if I hide the vegetables in some capacity, she will eat it.

For example, those squishy packs with all the fruits and veggies blended up – yes please, Mom, hook me up. Even banana bread with zucchini in it – oh yeah, can’t get enough. Broccoli or kale pureed and used as a pasta sauce – it’s a hit.

While breakfast and lunch tend to be quite balanced meals, dinner becomes a protein/carb-heavy meal for the day. So, I’ve resorted to finding ways to shove some subtle veggies into her meals which is how these sneaky mommy chicken strips came about. Let’s not waste any more time, let’s just start making them and get some ZUCCHINI into your kiddos!

*This still isn’t an abundance of veggies in these chicken strips, but it’s better than none!

Sneaky mommy chicken strips are on a plate with some broccoli which is less sneaky than the chicken strips that have zuchinni on them.

Sneaky Mommy Chicken Strips

Serves 4


  • Three medium sized chicken breast, cut into chicken strips sizes
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 medium zucchini, grated
  • 1/3 cup flour (I use gluten-free)
  • 1 tbsp parsley
  • 2 tsp dill
  • 1 cup cornflake crumbs
  • Salt and pepper

Sneaky mommy chicken strips are on a plate with some broccoli which is less sneaky than the chicken strips that have zuchinni on them.


  1. Preheat your oven to 425 F. Get out a baking tray and line with your silicone liner or tin foil.
  2. Get out three separate regular-sized bowls. In the first one, add your flour, dill, parsley, and salt and pepper and mix well. In the second, add your beaten eggs, and zucchini and mix well. In the third, add your cornflake crumbs.
  3. Take your chicken stips, one at a time. Start by coating it in flour followed by the egg mixture and ending it with the cornflake crumbs. Place onto the lined baking tray. Repeat until no more chicken strips remain.
  4. Bake in the oven for 20-minutes. Remove from heat and let cool slightly before enjoying with your favourite dip (ranch!!!).

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