delicious s'more krispies laying flat and cut into perfect bite sized piece

don’t know what it is but I’ve never been a huge fan of Rice Krispies. I mean they are sweet and crunchy - both good things in my books - but they’ve always felt like they are lacking in something to me. There’s no depth, not much to them, and they are almost too sweet. Which is where these S’more Krispies come into play. S’more Krispies have an array of flavours in them from chocolate to graham crackers to marshmallows. Plus they have that perfect crunch that everyone loves from Rice Krispies. To be fair, the crunch in S’more Krispies might be even better than the crunch in Rice Krispies. Plus, they are gluten free - something that Rice Krispies technically are not. In summary S'more Krispies > Rice Krispies. So, here's the recipe!

S’more Krispie Ingredients

Original recipe via The Gluten-Free Austrian (my new favourite) – changed slightly 
  • 55g unsalted butter
  • 250g plus 30g mini marshmallows
  • 145g rice chex
  • 75 g graham crackers (crushed, and GF if desired)
  • 100 g milk chocolate (crushed – I used a Lindt milk chocolate bar)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp salt 
s'more krispies in the making with marshmallows in a pot, chocolate, and graham crackers and chex rice risps in a bowl.

S’more Krispies Instructions

1. Line an 8×8 baking pan with parchment paper – I find it easiest to cut two rectangles and layer them
2. In a large bowl, combine your Chex and your graham crackers.
3. In a small bowl, add your 30 g of marshmallows and your crushed chocolate.
4. Melt your butter in a pot over low-medium heat. Add your 250g of mini marshmallows, vanilla, and salt, and stir until the marshmallows are melted and everything is well combined.
5. Add your marshmallow mixture to your Chex mixture. Mix well. 
6. Add in your chocolate/marshmallow mixture and mix well. 

7. Before it hardens, transfer it to your 8×8 baking pan. 

8. Pop your s’more krispies into the fridge and let set for an hour. 

9. Then enjoy or store in an airtight container for up to 3 days (if they last that long!)

delicious s'more krispies laying flat and cut into perfect bite sized piece

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