Sloane’s Nursery Tour

The moment we found out we were expecting Sloane, I was beyond excited to start decorating her nursery. We were still living in our townhouse in Mount Pleasant but had our home listed for sale, so the best I could do was hit up Pinterest non-stop for inspiration. There were so many unique spaces I wanted to recreate for the little being we were bringing into the world.

Once our townhome sold, we moved into a horrible and haunted rental suite. We then had a seriously lucky experience to get our forever dream home, and Sloane’s nursery was BY FAR the first room that was finished… It still is one of the only few that is completely finished.

Now, as she is growing up rather quickly, I can feel that her nursery days are numbered, and a big girl’s room isn’t that far on the horizon. Before that happens, I wanted to give you a nursery tour.

Sloane's nursery tour, pictured is a beautiful banner with Sloane's name on it, three water colour elephants hanging on the walls, and a white dresser with an elephant, sound machine, and diffisuer

Making the Nursery Unique

The first stop on this nursery tour is the wall with the dresser on it. When Sloane was a baby, we had her changing station on top of her dresser; however, I moved this station into the bathroom as she got older. In hindsight, I think that’s where it should have gone initially – no one needs to sleep in the same room as their poop. With the caveat being, Sloane’s bathroom has enough counter space to host a changing pad.

Anyways, clearing up the dresser was glorious. Now it’s clean; it has her money box on it, sound machine, and diffuser (the exact one is discontinued). Minimal and clean (mostly because she wants everything up there and takes it down!).

One important thing to me was making Sloane’s nursery as unique as possible, especially when it came to the artwork. These elephants are watercolour drawings of elephants McGregor fostered for me in Nairobi – very unique pieces and very unique to us. McGregor and I went to South Africa on a Safari for our honeymoon, and one of the most memorable experiences was seeing the elephants there. As such, these had to be on display in Sloane’s nursery.

The next item I want to note on this nursery tour is her name on a banner. My very good friend, Lauren, who I’ve mentioned on here before (she made the cards that were filling space in my Christmas card holder), made this for Sloane, and I am obsessed with it. The simplicity in the colours, the stitching along the top. Obsessed.

Sloane's nursery tour includes decorative shelving with books, blocks, stuffed animals, and a piece of wood art on it

Decorative, But Practical Shelving

I knew that I wanted floating shelves in Sloane’s room; I just was not sure where or how. One wall is a window, one wall is a closet and a door, one wall where her crib is pushed against – which I did not feel comfortable hanging anything directly above, and one wall is above her dresser that you saw above.

That left me the teeniest tiniest space between the end of the wall and to safely hang items to the side of her crib. Luckily, Ikea has these small and inexpensive floating shelves, which I could make work for us.

I love the stuffies that made the cut on here, the books, and the artwork. It’s all very “Sloane”… Well, except the Mama Needs a Drink Book, that is very Mama!

Sloanes Nursery Tour is on Signed Samantha today. You can see Sloane's crib, a huge giraffe, shelves, and Sloane, blurry, running through the screen

Wall Decals and a Reading Nook

This is the part of the nursery tour that you can get a full picture of what I mean about the shelving not being directly above Sloane’s crib. It’s decently off to the side, and below it is a little bookshelf that Sloane can reach and a stool she can sit on when reading (to be honest, she opts to stand on the stool, and read her books sitting on the ground LOL).

I also wanted something on the walls above her crib and these decals worked perfectly and matched the water colour vibe of the elephant paintings above the dresser.

My Mom bought Sloane this amazingly large giraffe to top off the room, which Sloane loves and says goodnight to every night.

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  • Anisha Somji

    I love the elephants! How crazy Zanes nursery theme was all around elephants lol! My mil got really into bringing all cute things elephant into our home and at my shower so many people gifted us things that had elephants on them 😍.
    I love Sloane’s nursery it’s the vibe I went for with Zane. A big kid room is coming soon and I can’t deal 😩.

    • Samantha

      I love that Zane’s nursery turned into an elephant theme too! They are pretty amazing animals, and I’m not sure about Zane, but Sloane seems to love them! I know…the big kid room.. AHH bonkers!!! I’m so nervous she will be rolling out of her bed LOL

  • Erin

    It is so beautiful, just like the rest of your home!! I’m always so amazed at how you keep it all so clean & pristine-looking (especially a nursery!)

    • Samantha

      Thank you so much, Erin! I’ll be super honest. Sloane loves to tidy up! She can also make a huge mess, but the tidy for the pre-photos was super easy this day! Some days it’s incredibly questionable!!!!

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