Cabinet Find – ORC Week 2, 3, and 4 Combined

Beautiful arched cabinet that needs to be refinished - glass panels

ell, in true Signed Samantha fashion I am slowly making my way through the start of the One Room Challenge. I love that I do this to myself every year. It’s actually ridiculous. I learn nothing. Anyways - two weeks ago, last week, and this week. I did a whopping nothing. AND I'm going away this weekend so ... probably more nothingness to come. If you’re interested in a nothing updates, please stick around. JOKING - sort of, I did do nothing but I still have an update: the surprise project I have in mind for my family room. Are you ready to be SO darn excited?! I am ready for you, so without further ado, I present to you the most amazing cabinet you’ve ever seen come from Facebook Market Place and it is mine!!!!!

Beautiful arched cabinet that needs to be refinished - glass panels and covered base

The Original Cabinet Inspiration

The plan is good but starts with a backstory. I really wanted this Arhaus Hattie Cabinet and was prepared to sell my soul for it. It’s stunning, every detail is perfect and I couldn’t be more obsessed. The problem is that it is quite pricey – and it is in American Dollars. As I am Canadian, I would need to add an extra 30% to the list price and then an extra 100% for shipping. LIKE, PRICEY, right?! So, cut too, I found this on FBM and knew (okay, hope) that I can transform it using the Arhaus Hattie Cabinet as inspo. I was also considering all of these other cabinets.

The Plan for this FBM Cabinet

So, with the Arhaus Hattie Cabinet in mind, here is my plan. A nice sanding – I don’t need to go so intense on the outside as I do plan to use a gel stain but also recognize that there is mould and it wasn’t sanded the best when it was made so I need to smooth out the surface. Then, you got it from the hint before – I will gel stain the outside black – similar to in the inspo piece and will do the inside a more rustic mid-tone wood colour.

Then hardware, this cabinet needs hardware! I’ve stalked – like excessively stalked Arhaus and I will be snagging their Hattie Cabinet Pulls (YAY!). Finally, my dream would be to remove the bottom and put this cabinet on legs – but I don’t this it’s entirely feasible. Since I haven’t done anything I don’t know if I can or cannot – I suspect it’s wood glue so I suspect I cannot.

inside of the cabinet - shelfs with board and batten like detailing in the background

What’s Left to Do

I am ridiculous for even including this section. What’s left to do? Everything. Everything is left to do.
I have some shopping to do: I need a new coffee table, new side table, new chair, the rug is order (thank goodness) as is the lamp (double thank goodness). The original coffee table I still want is back ordered until January (UGH) so the question is: do I want to look or do I want to keep waiting?!
I need to pull the molding off the walls and then add new molding. Paint. Then decorate. It’s not a terrible amount but it’s basically the same amount I need to be doing from week one. LOL. 
Beautiful arched cabinet that needs to be refinished - glass panels and covered base

Here’s your reminder of my inspo from week 1 – don’t forget to check out the rest of the updates from this week on the ORC Blog! Here’s to two weeks from now when I hope to have a legitimate update.

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