One Week Challenge Week 5 – One side of the Garage is DONE

We are over the halfway mark on the One Room Challenge – it’s wild that everyone has already come this far and that we are nearing completion! My weekly progress doesn’t look like much. Well, actually, if you’ve been following over the past few weeks, that’s a lie – it’s a massive amount. I mean, look! You can see the floor in my garage – WHAT?! It almost feels like a miracle to me. I’m hoping that this gigantic mess was my project hurdle that I needed to overcome. If it was, it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out. Fingers crossed.

garage almost organized! bikes hanging on the wall, workout area ready to go

Declutter the Garage 

Look at this sparkly clean and organized (almost) 1/3 of the garage! LOOK AT IT! It’s so beautiful. Now, I fully respect and understand that not everyone will have the ability to build a massive storage shed where half their junk can go live sight unseen; HOWEVER, I still purged an extraordinary amount from here. There was a lot that was completely unused and was likely not going to be used for the foreseeable future (i.e., my cruiser bike – we have an e-bike after all!!!). I kept it to the bare minimum of what we needed here (somehow, the bare minimum includes three bicycles but whatever). I also tried to go up as much as possible. Organizing all of the bikes hanging from the ceiling was a must have. The e-bike was too heavy to hang from the ceiling, but I made sure to continue to utilize vertical space.

Likewise, I am so excited this cabinet has moved over here. The cabinet is a new home to all my paints and paint related products. It’s a one stop shop!

the messy side of the garage update - tools everywhere wood everywhere

Let’s Not Talk About This Side of the Garage

Then you have this side of the garage. You didn’t think that everything magically vanished, did you?! While there is a lot over on this side, there is a plan. I do need to utilize a lot of this lumber and get these work stations completed. I am also getting a little tool chest where a lot of these materials will get organized into. So, it looks like a hot mess over here and that’s because it is a hot mess, but there are a few next steps that need to happen before it is finalized.

Then there’s the back wall which still needs a fresh coat of paint and some reorganizing of the gym space too. I’m not sure what I’ll be able to tackle this week as it’s rainy but I would truly love for it to be the work benches! Fingers crossed.

If you’re behind, here’s my post on week 1, week 2, week 3, and week 4 of the One Room Challenge. And, you can see what everyone else is up to this week on the One Room Challenge Blog! There are so many great spaces out there – I’m so excited to see what everyone else brings!

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