One Room Challenge: Week 2 – The Plan

Week 2 of the One Room Challenge is starting, and, in true form, I have half a plan. But it’s obviously better than no plan so there’s that! The half a plan comes from the fact that I only know exactly what is happening on the “workshop” side of the garage. There is still the back wall of the garage as well as the gym side of the garage. Those will be assessed in some capacity as part of the One Room Challenge garage makeover, just not in week 2. If it isn’t obvious, I’m most excited about the workshop side AND when the workshop side is done, I’ll be able to more easily and efficiently build all of the things. Hence its priority state during week 2 of the Spring One Room Challenge.

one room challenge week 2 mood board - includes work benches, tool storage, baskets for sotrage, and a peg board for keeping misc. items

The Plan for the Workshop

If you’re part of my subscriber list, you’ll already know what colour workbench I’m thinking of. If you’re not on my subscriber list, I suggest you join (join here)! You’re the first to know about almost everything – especially project completions and other milestones. Okay – back to the colour – it’s a tough one to guess, but if you feel so inclined, please drop a comment below to give your guesses. 

Okay so colour aside, I have the following set out: 

  • Brick wallpaper (TBC once I price it out). I found this one at Home Depot and it’s actually quite affordable! 
  • One mitre saw workbench. With a nook for the mitre saw and covered storage underneath to fit the shop vac, air compressor, and more. 
  • One table saw workbench. With a nook for the table saw, and covered storage underneath. 
  • A tool holder – for drills, batteries, multi-tool, circular saw, etc. 

I did think I had more wall space to play with but, alas, I do not and that’s ok. I will figure it out once the workbenches are complete. I’m VERY close on the tablesaw station – have a look below! I can’t wait for the back/sides and doors to get on. Plus the paint. My word it’s going to be GOOD. 

One Room Challenge Week 2 – The Rest of the Garage

Now, for the rest of the space, I think I will give the walls a fresh coat of paint in a creamy white (one leftover from Sloane’s bathroom makeover). In addition, I’m thinking a fun quote will go over the gym area or along the back wall. ALL things I constantly think about, but I haven’t settled on an idea for the rest of the space yet. That is far too ambitious for week 2. So here you go, you can admire my pretty base frame instead. 

If you’re behind, here’s my post on week 1 of the One Room Challenge. And, you can see what everyone else is brewing up for week 2 on the One Room Challenge Blog! There are so many great spaces out there – I’m so excited to see what everyone else brings!

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