One Room Challenge: The Final Garage Reveal

completed garage makeover. garage workshop, garage gym, all in one little garage

Well, friends, it’s been quite the journey to get here, but we made it! Just in the nick of time too! We are at the final week of the One Room Challenge, and the garage is complete! I am beyond thrilled to have this space done. Not only is the garage back up in working order, but it is also far better than it was previously and quite lovely to look at. Our garage wears so many hats and I’ve made it as functional as humanly possible while being a workshop, a gym, and a sporting goods hub. Let’s talk through what we’ve done to get here.

completed garage makeover. garage workshop, garage gym, all in one little garage

The Workshop

First, let’s check out my favourite zone in the garage: the workshop. This was a real challenge and wouldn’t have been possible without the addition of a storage shed to store things like Christmas decor, gardening tools, summer gear, and all that good stuff. Don’t be fooled. I didn’t magically organize all of our crap into two small workbenches. I am lucky enough to have gotten to relocate it all making space for magic to happen.

My workbenches are my favourite part. I will be sharing tutorials on how I made them both soon, but for now, I am going to stare at them in awe. They are perfectly pink, and I added a marble top using contact paper (not something I would recommend – it won’t last very long -but it’s pretty) on one workbench. I painted the second workbench white because I saw that this marble idea didn’t have longevity.

I can’t believe how much easier setup and takedown will be now that I have these designated workbenches. AND – another fantastic perk is that I know where all of my tools, pencils, tape measures, etc. are because everything has an organized and designated home!

a messy garage
garage workshop - mitresaw station and table saw station

The Gym

This garage gym is another improvement. It’s not as vast of a change as the workshop side; however, this crown wall organization system from Garage Royalty is an A-type’s dream. Everything is nice and neat, has a home, and is clean and simple. Once again, we know what workout gear we have now and can easily find what we need. An improvement from shoving most things into the corner and playing a game of will it fall or not when trying to grab what you need.

Also on this side, but not gym-related, are a few of Sloane’s favourite outdoor goodies that she can now easily access as she pleases. Oh, and let’s not forget about the dartboard. When I added a fresh coat of paint in the garage, I patched the dart holes. Better aim well, boys! I’ll be upset if I have to repatch some holes!!!

one room challenge - spring 2022 week one announcement - a messy garage!
garage gym and organization area

Sports Zone

Now we have the sports zone in the garage – predominately the biking gear, Sloane’s car (which is like an Olympic sport when chasing her in it), and scooter zone. I can’t get over how much more organized it is over here. Once again, we got rid of a lot of stuff – strollers went into storage, and bikes got sold. So don’t be fooled, I’m good at organizing but not that good – I desperately needed to do some purging for us to get here.

Our black cabinet now holds all of my paint and painting supplies. I had these in eighty different places throughout the garage, and now that they have one home, life is so much better! I know what’s in there and where to get paint-related items from.

one room challenge - spring 2022 week one announcement - a messy garage!
garage organization - garage gym and bicycle storage

Overall my hyper-organized, super functional garage required a purge, some outside the box thinking about where items could go, and an overhaul. Now we have several fantastic uses in the garage, AND it is still a place where we can park the car. I’m so grateful for the One Room Challenge for helping me get to this point of a completed room. It feels like such a relief to have this space done, and now my future DIYs will be less daunting as I have a home base to create to my heart’s content.

If you’re behind, here’s my post on week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, and week 7 of the One Room Challenge. And, you can see what everyone else is up to this week on the One Room Challenge Blog! There are so many great spaces out there – I’m so excited to see what everyone else brings!

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