One Room Challenge – Spring 2022 – Week 1

one room challenge - spring 2022 week one announcement - a messy garage!

Based on last years’ One Room Challenge (my home office, in case you forgot!), y’all should know I’m often quite behind the 8-ball when it comes to week 1… oh, also week 2, and often week 3. I’m not sure why it’s 8-weeks. Based on my schedule, it only needs to be 5 weeks. I do need a huge runway for the start… for the crawling start. So actually 8 weeks are ok, but I don’t truly start until week 3. I’m hoping this year is different. However, I’m not overly optimistic. Especially since I decided less than a week ago that I was participating in this years’ One Room Challenge. Are you excited about my One Room Challenge room reveal? Like not the reveal, but me revealing what room I’m going to be making over?! Enough rambling… It is my garage!

one room challenge - spring 2022 week one announcement - a messy garage!

Garage Makeover for the 2022 Spring One Room Challenge

I’m super excited to update my garage and make it more functional for us. If you’re an IG follower or saw my 2022 projects list you’ll know that the garage wasn’t on my list but my workshop was. Well, we’ve now changed our plans and decided to make the shed (my previous workshop) a storage solution where we can move most of this stuff out of the garage. Now, I’ll also have a bigger zone for a workspace and hopefully a little extra room for our gym area. Thank you, One Room Challenge for the push in the right direction.

one room challenge - spring 2022 week one announcement - a messy garage!

Garage Concepts For the One Room Challenge

I really don’t have much in terms of a solid idea yet (I’m telling you, my One Room Challenge is a slow crawling start). But I’m starting to brainstorm what’s resonating with me and what I want to see in my space. I’m not sure what the whole vibe will bet yet but something fun should be happening in here. It’s a place where it’s not connected to the house and it can have entirely its own personality. I’m currently leaning towards a Grecian oasis – totally unexpected for a garage. But I’m also super partial to something fun – really bright, or maybe really moody. Torn!!!

one room challenge week 2 mood board - includes work benches, tool storage, baskets for sotrage, and a peg board for keeping misc. items

What Needs to Happen This One Room Challenge

Here’s what I’m thinking needs to happen in my garage over the next 8-weeks of the One Room Challenge: 

  • Clean it out, organize it, do a big purge, and clean the walls and floor
  • Wall finish/paint. I’m debating if I want to do wall features such as faux brick, perhaps some shiplap, or do I only want to paint it. That’ll depend on the vibe I pick above. 
  • Workshop Station – Amanda from Come Stay Awhile (pictured below) made this modular workstation – I’m obsessed. Something similar will be incorporated into my little workshop area. 
  • Curtain to separate the workshop space and the workout area. I keep getting dust on the Peloton, and apparently, that’s not cool at all!

I wanted to epoxy the floors, but we don’t have a slope in our garage, and I live in one of the rainiest cities in the world. All I’m going to have is a puddle of water, and banana peel falls. 

So there you have it, friends! My garage is the space. As you can see it needs it! I’m so excited to have a USABLE workstation in my house and stop using my alleyway workshop LOL. 

Come check out what everyone else is up to on the One Room Challenge Blog!


  • Felicia

    It’s great to see a garage represented in this season of the ORC!

    • Samantha

      It’s not a glamorous one! But hopefully, I can transform it to be! Either way, it’ll be a lot more functional than it is now!!!

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