November and December Q&A

Well, whoops, November zoomed past at warp speed, and as a result, I completely blanked on posting a Q&A for the month. Luckily with this, it’s never too late to roll with it, and I’ve decided to lump the November and December Q&A into one!

The last two Q&A’s were for September and October, and you guys had some really great questions for those months.

You didn’t let up for this November and December Q&A either. Which is fabulous, and I am grateful you want to know all of these fun things about me!
Diving in headfirst to your November and December Q&A… Well, your Q’s my A’s.
November and December Q&A : Holiday Festivities

Q: What is on your Christmas Wish List?
This year, I really struggled to come up with ideas for myself. I “gave the worst list ever” and am now that person that is hard to buy for. I used togive my mom sass for the same issue on her end for the past 10 years, but now I get it.
I did do a top three luxury must-haves for Thursday’s three. Each item on there would definitely be on my list. I also love everything, kitchen-related.

Q: Where do you do your holiday shopping?

This year, I did a little combination. I did some small, local shops, (like Pineridge Hollow and Plant Vitamins).
Unfortunately, I did need some large big-box retailers due to certain items I wanted to get and constraints when shipping to some family members in different countries.

Q: What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Hands down, Elf. There is no comparison for me.

Q: Do you switch up your holiday decor every year?
This is honestly the first year I’ve put some effort into decorating my home for the holidays. I suspect I will continue to add to what I have collected this year, and once I top out on decorations, I will probably begin to switch things up.
Knowing me. My husband is going to LOVE it.

Q: When are you setting up your holiday decor?

A: This question seems reasonable now, but when I was asked it, it was November 1st.
I did start decorating shortly after I was asked this question. I have done it slowly so that I don’t get sick of everything instantly. In a normal year, I’d likely start in late November/early December.

November and December Q&A: Family Time

Q: What’s your favourite thing about winter?
A: It used to be the skiing; now I would say it is seeing Sloane’s eyes light up at all of the lights and blow up Santa’s and the snowman’s around the neighborhood.

Q: What are some of your winter traditions?
A: This is a fun one because, with Sloane, we are starting some new ones:
+ Going to the tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree (yes, I will probably lose the real vs. fake tree debate next year too)
+ Making cookies and my grandma’s secret egg nog recipe delivering them to loved ones
+ Each Christmas Day that I’m in LA, my step-dad and I go to the Lakers game!
+ Every Christmas morning that I’m in LA, my mom and I open a nice bottle of bubbles to share (from the bottle LOL)

November and December Q&A : Mixed Bag

Q: Is there a preset you use for your photos? I love the aesthetic.
A: There is no preset for these masterpieces. I have been just fiddling around with what looks good to my very untrained eye.

I rarely play around with the colors, but it is something I’d like to become more familiar with.
Actually, tying back into the first question, I added the Studio McGee presets to my wish list as they also come with instructions on how to modify images if need be.

Q: Why only red wine?
A: For the record, it is red wine and bubbles! But white wine is currently a huge no thanks for me.
I honestly don’t know why. After being pregnant with Sloane, I haven’t acquired the taste back. Once in a while, there is a drinkable bottle of white for my palate, but those are few and far between.

Q: What is your blogging process?
A: This could be a long one. Maybe I need to dedicate a whole post to it.
The short version includes the fact that I’m flying by the seat of my pants, constantly working on getting content for the days I’ve committed to – in my own head.
The best thing I’ve done is committed to how many posts I’d like to accomplish in a week and what days I post them on. Then I know what to strive for.
My ultimate goal is to be organized enough to be batching my work (i.e., only photos one day, content brainstorming another, responding to e-mails another, etc.). The Skinny Confidential wrote a great article on batching and how it increases productivity.

Q: How old are you?
A: I wonder what everyone would guess… I feel like with the current bags under my eyes; it would be older! However, I just turned 31.

November and December Q&A are live Signed Samantha is sitting on the ledge near her fireplace looking at her advent calendar on the wall


  • Erin

    ELF!!! The best Christmas movie ever, hands down. My family & I watch it every year (multiple times a year).

    & I would love to see a full post on your blogging process lady!! Every time I feel like I get it down & it’s something I can stick to, I end up finding a “better way” to do things… Like every other week haha. So I would love to hear about yours!

    • Samantha

      YES! Team Elf! Haha, I feel like so many people’s favourite movies are home alone or Christmas vacation.
      OKay, I’m super into you wanting to see a post on my blogging process. I think I will get that ready for 2021!

  • Sherri

    Such a great Q&A Samantha.
    I really enjoyed the questions and the thought you put into your answers.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Samantha

      Thank you very much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Everyone has been asking really fun questions that make me stop and think a little bit! XO

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