Make Your Home Feel Like a Hotel

Are you missing travelling as much as I am? I don’t think we’ve ever stayed still for so long. I’m fairly certain the same could be said for 90% of the world’s population right now. It’s very bizarre to think that we are rapidly approaching the one year mark since we were last on an airplane.

I feel very grateful that we were able to sneak our vacation in right before all of the lockdowns began occurring (literally, we got home two-ish weeks before everything shut down). But, like so many, I’m itching to go somewhere, get pampered for a week, chase the sunshine, and just enjoy that hotel life.

We can’t do that so naturally, I’m bringing that hotel life to me and am sharing my tips for making your home feel like a hotel so you can get that vacation feeling.

Somehow Thursday’s Three is turning into tips now… rolling with it. Anywayas, here it is, Thursday’s Three: how to make your home feel like a hotel. Let’s be clear; I mean a luxury hotel.

Make your home feel like a hotel by creating a signature drink for your home

A Signature Drink

Honestly, what kind of luxury hotel doesn’t have a signature drink?! Exactly. So my first tip for making your home feel like a hotel includes developing that signature drink. Make it fancy, go all out; it’s not like you’re paying for your stay (… I mean you likely have a mortgage or rent, but whose counting?!).

Some ideas for you:

If none of those suit you, I have an Entire Pinterest Board of drink inspo.

My suggestion is to theme your drink to align with somewhere you want to be. If you want to be somewhere tropical, by all means, make a tropical cocktail. If you’re “going” on a ski trip, make some hot toddy’s. Make it suit where you’d be going, and be sure to carry that theme throughout. Whatever that means for you. It may mean, bring out the shotski. It may mean, bring out the pool floaties in the bathtub while cranking the heat up. Make that dream vacay happen.

While you’re at it, you should probably opt for some fancy drinkware too.

Make your home feel like a hotel with luxury bedding like Signed Samantha has on her bed - where her daugther is playing

High-Quality Robes, Bath and Bed Linens

You guys know my sentiment on highquality bedding. At least you should with my recently posted bedding details. As such, it should come as no surprise that my next tip to make your home feel like a hotel includes high-quality bedding AND making your bed well! Tuck in those sheets, fluff the pillows, and flip the duvet back perfectly so it looks inviting. Make it like a hotel would.

Don’t forget about another hotel staple – a plush robe. Why not. Watch a movie in bed with your robe and “room service,” aka a bowl of popcorn that you have to bring to your room and clean up, but the concept is still strong.

The last one includes luxury towels. Now, I would say luxury towels aren’t something many hotels specialize in, but it should be. You can make it come to fruition in your home hotel. Pro tip: get the bath SHEET. Extra large towel situation. Extra Pro tip: get it monogrammed

Signed Samantha standing in her kitchen putting some oils into her diffuser to create a signature scent for her home. One of the ways she suggests you can make your home feel like a hotel.

A Signature Scent

Ever notice how delicious a hotel smells when you walk into it? My mom and husband do, and I only started to once they brought it to my attention. Now it’s a weird obsession I have, and I think all three of us base our stays off of smells.

I certainly notice if a place doesn’t smell very nice – we’ve left a hotel before because of smell (and about a zillion other things).

I’ve also noticed once I walk in the door after having been away for a few days, my home smells freaking delicious; like a luxury hotel for sure. I’ve just become “nose blind” to it, having not left for 11 months.

To ramp it up, I’ll totally light a candle or get a diffuser going to create that “signature scent.” Right now, our signature scent is a blend of lime, black spruce, and balance.

More ways you could make your home feel like a hotel includes having a spa day and taking a luxury bath, making sure you have plush slippers to go along with your robe, or get a towel warmer. So, cheers from my signature hotel at home drink to yours: to our home vacays!


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  • Erin

    Ooooh I love all of these ideas! I’ve been missing taking trips SO MUCH and this would definitely help ease my sorrows for a bit. 🙂 Especially those drinks – YUM. Putting an at-home hotel weekend on the schedule for this month sometime now.

    • Samantha

      Yes! I hope it brings you some reprieve from wanting to go somewhere …I mean at least for five minutes while you enjoy that chocolate you gave yourself for turndown service LOL

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