January Champagne Chats

Hot news alert! My Q&A has officially been rebranded to January Champagne Chats. Well, technically, it will be #ChampagneChats with the appropriate month put in front of it. This month, obviously, is January Champagne Chats. Q&A seemed boring and champagne is my favourite “cocktail” and also logically worked with “chatting.” Basically, these Champagne Chats are meant to be casual, mimic having a drink of choice with friends where you get to know one another (technically just me, but I would love to get to know you somehow I have to figure out a reverse Champagne chat where I ask you the questions!), learn random tips, some fun products, and favourite must-haves.

I’m excited to share the questions some of you had with everyone because it is a perfect mixture of the above. Some of these questions are so good that they need to be formed into their own blog posts – which you can bet, they will be in the near future!

So, here we go, diving into the January Champagne Chats.


Signed Samantha's January Champagne Chats (Q&A) as she is sitting on a chair in the living room(with the kitchen in the background)

January Champagne Chats: Links and Product Reviews

Q: Thoughts on the always pan?

A: I am in LOVE with the always pan. My first go around with it was making eggs and I was pretty MEH about the whole thing. Once I staretd expanding my horizions and making more in it – veggies, potstickers, one pot pastas, I instantly fell in love. There will be a full fledged review coming soon but the moral of the story is, yes I recommend!

Q: Lip balm you said was good?

A: The Two Faced Lip Hangover Pillow Treatment Balm – did I even say that right?! What a mouthfull. I am almost out already – I am obsessed.


Signed Samantha's January Champagne Chats (Q&A) and self-care as she is sitting on a chair in the living room(with the kitchen in the background) going through her cook books

January Champagne Chats: Mixed Bag

Q: What was on your must-have list for buying a home?

A: When we were looking for a home, our list was long!!! We went back and forth between buying newer that would require limited upgrades to building our own. Given I was eight months pregnant when we bought our house, I am so grateful we went with a completed version. This felt like ages ago, so from what I can remember, this is what the must-have list included:

+ big, open kitchen with lots of storage and logical flow

+ 3+ bedrooms, 2+ baths + powder room

+ an ensuite to the main bedroom

+ a backyard for Sloane to be able to rip around in

+ a reputable builder – if you could physically see big issues with the home, run far away because you have no clue what is going on behind the walls!

We hit the lottery with our home – there are a million more things I had on my list, but this home exceeded all expectations, and I’m forever grateful for it!

Q: Can you share some behind the scenes of blogging?

A: This question has come up a few times, and I really need to sit down and write out a full blog post on this! I will say that most people think that content creators only look pretty in front of the camera, smile, take a few photos and off they go, but it is a TON more work than that.

 Whoever asked this question has an awareness to this point, and I appreciate it a ton! So some of what goes into publishing one blog post, for example, includes:

+ brainstorming ideas for content that is relevant and fits your audience

+ producing whatever that content would be (recipes it includes making the recipe, DIYs includes making the product, etc.)

+ along the way during production, it is capturing content – photos, videos, and/or writing notes

+ photos/videos of your final product

+ photo/video editing, writing a blog post, uploading formatting,

+ IG caption, hashtag research

I think that’s pretty much it… I’m probably forgetting a critical step, but I’ll include it when I do a full blog post on starting a blog!

Q: Do you get regular facials?

A: Until recently, I hadn’t gotten a facial since December 2019. In October of 2020, I went to Jillian at the Science of Beauty and am so thrilled that I did. I got an enzymatic peel as well a microneedling done – I will be going back for more regular maintenance than once every 10 months!

Q: Meal ideas for toddlers?

A: Isn’t this the million-dollar question?! Okay – here are some ideas and what Sloane eats regularly:

Breakfast: eggs, cheerios, peanut butter puffs (some kids cereal in the health food section at the grocery store), fruit, toast with cream cheese or peanut butter, oatmeal, cottage cheese.

Lunch: Almost always dinner leftovers

Dinner: Kale pasta, rice noodle salad with skirt steak, chicken and polenta, healthy alfredo, halibut and rice, greek chicken and potatoes, stirfry.

Hopefully, that gives you a decent list to go off of. Sorry lunches are so lame. She honestly just has leftovers.

Sloane always eats what were having for dinner to make it easier and more inclusive for her. We don’t want meal time to be a battle, as I mentioned in yesterday’s dining room tour, and if we are eating with her, she does so much better! I’m also learning if veggies are snuck into her meals somehow it also goes much smoother (pasta sauces are the vessel of choice these days).

Q: Where would you travel to if you could?

A: After visiting family in Los Angeles and Edmonton, I would do a European adventure. I will probably lose the battle, and we’d end up in Maui – but the Euro thought is still in my mind!

That concludes January Champagne Chats! Thanks for asking some fun questions – I can’t wait to see what you want to know in February!



  • Erin

    I am obsessed with that pan! Love that it comes in so many colors. I need to invest in one ASAP. Also, I love that you brought up how much goes on BTS of blogging/ content creating. It seems so much easier from the outside looking in but really is a full-time job. Can’t wait to see a full post on your process to see what we do similarly/differently!

    • Samantha

      You need to invest in one!!! They are amazing. I have a full always pan review coming out this week. I think it’ll convince you. I keep putting off that post because it’s so much work even just to create it LOL

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