How to Style Blankets

We are about to tackle one of my favourite subjects. Blankets! This post is for you if you are blanket addicted but are running out of space to put them or need some advice on how or where to style them. I have a blanket addiction. I have no issues admitting it. Each blanket we have serves a purpose, despite what my husband will tell you. Some are for getting all cozy and bundled. Some are for looking pretty and creating a beautiful, inviting space. Whatever the purpose of your blankets, I have some tips and tricks to help each of your blankets be styled for their intended use.

sofa with a blanket nicely styled across the back of the sofa. the blanket is folded with several pillows.

Fussy vs. Casual

Blankets are funny things – I can immediately look at one and tell you if it’s one I want to get cozy in or one I only want to look at. For an it “looks pretty” blanket, I style them fussily. Fussily means that you wouldn’t want to undo how the blanket is styled. Think perfectly folded, on the back of a chair, on the seat of a sofa, and so forth. When it’s a cozy one I want to snuggle up in, you can style them in the same spots but more so in a thrown-down, just-used sort of look. A blanket that you want to jump in and snuggle up with. Don’t be fooled, the thrown-down look is hard to master. You don’t actually just throw it down. You have to style it this way and it takes a little while to nail it. Don’t be flustered or frustrated, but keep trying different scrunches, and different blanket positions – a little longer, a little shorter, and so forth. You’ll nail it, I promise.

a living room styled with items from canadian home decor stores

Places You Can Style Blankets

Blankets can be styled in SO many great places throughout your home. You just need to get creative. There is the obvious – a chair, a couch, a bed, and a blanket ladder. Then there are more creative spaces you can find – an ottoman, in baskets, on your kitchen table as a runner or table cloth. I mean really, the blanket world is your oyster and wherever you want to place it, I’m certain there is a way.

blankets on a blanket ladder

Styling Blankets on Your Bed

I love bed blanket stylings. I always want to jump into my bed because of how relaxing it looks – thanks to the blankets that are housed on it. Aside from your duvet cover, I like to add blankets to the foot of the bed. If it were up to me, I’d probably layer two more on the foot here as Amber Lewis did. This could be my year – the year I get more blankets onto this bed.

blankets styled on top of a bed

One thing I also forget to mention is that it is perfectly acceptable to have different blankets for different seasons. Blankets that aren’t meant for the season you’re in can go into storage and wait their turn.

This should give you a good starting point with where and how to style blankets in your home. Blankets are one of those things that will take your home from almost there to over-the-top perfect. It brings warmth into your home that can only be achieved through a textile, but also will literally provide you with some warmth. I am head over heels for blankets, as you’re well aware, and I hope you find some enjoyment in finding homes for all of yours. If you need any more blankets, I’ve linked some I have my sights on below!

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