Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Another day means that it’s national something day. Any guesses?! I’m assuming you guessed cupcakes due to this post. However, no, that is incorrect: it is coffee! What does that have to do with these gluten-free chocolate cupcakes, you ask?!

Well, when you don’t drink coffee, national coffee day can only be celebrated one way: with coffee-containing gluten-free chocolate cupcakes.

These also happen to be McGregor’s favorite cupcakes. At any point, if there is a reason to celebrate anything at all, McGregor wants these cupcakes. When I told him about national coffee day, he said, cupcakes?!

It makes sense that these are his favorite. They are really, really, REALLY good. Super moist (everyone’s favorite word) and packed with delicious chocolatey flavor.

When he is home to help, I’m very on board to make them. The reason why I’m less keen to make these when it’s just me is that the process of making them does produce the most dishes ever. It’s much more manageable if you can tag-team the dish efforts.


Signed Samantha's Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes pictured on a wood cutting board. The chocolate cupcakes have a peanutbutter mascarpone frosting on them with crushed up skor bar on top.

To make these gluten-free chocolate cupcakes, you need your coffee maker, blender, and a stand mixer. Plus little things here and there. So yeah, it’s a lot of dishes.

But anyway, there’s coffee and another secret ingredient that will blow your mind. I always wait until people have tried these cupcakes before telling them what’s in it because if I tell them first, they will immediately turn their nose up.

Unfortunately, I cannot give these to all of you, so I’m just going to have to spill the beans (pun intended!!!) on what’s in gluten-free chocolate cupcakes. So when I say trust me… just trust me.

The not so secret, secret ingredient is… black beans!

Honestly, it makes for a super moist but dense in a good way cake. I would not steer you wrong – try these cupcakes! I’m sorry to say, because there are beans in them, it does not make them healthy – there is still a boat load of sugar in them.


As a side note, I’ve been making these for so long, I’m not sure where the original recipe came from, but if you do know, please let me know so I can credit them! I’ve made some tweaks along the way, but I still like to give credit to the source!




Signed Samantha is feeding her daughter, who is sitting on the kitchen counter, gluten-free chocolate cupcakes. A whole cutting board filled with them is also sitting on the counter.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes

Makes 24 regular cupcakes


+ 1080 mL (2 cans) black beans, drained and rinsed

+ 2 Tbsp prepared coffee

+ 4 Tbsp vanilla

+ 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

+ 2 tsp baking powder

+ 1 tsp baking soda

+ 1/2 tsp salt

+ 3/4 cup butter, softened

+ 2 cups white sugar

+ 10 eggs, room temperature


1.  Pre-heat oven to 325°F.

2. Line 24 muffin tins with liners

3. In a blender, puree beans, coffee, and vanilla until smooth

4. In a small bowl, sift the cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together.

5. Using a stand mixer, mix butter, and sugar for one minute.

6. Beat in all of the eggs on medium speed for two minutes, or until the mixture is light and fluffy.

7. Add the bean mixture from the blender to the stand mixer and mix until just combined.

8. Slowly add the cocoa mixture and beat until the batter is smooth.

9. Pour batter into cupcake liners and stop half an inch from the top.

10. Bake for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center of a cupcake.

Signed Samantha's gluten-free chocolate cupcakes pictured on a wood cutting board. The chocolate cupcakes have a peanutbutter mascarpone frosting on them with crushed up skor bar on top.

Peanut Butter Mascarpone Frosting

Will frost 24 cupcakes, with a little extra


+ 2 cups mascarpone cheese

+ 1/4-1/2 cup icing sugar (I don’t lover super sweet so I stick to 1/4 cup, but dealers choice!)

+ 1 cup peanut butter, Kraft is seriously best here

+ 1/4 cup heavy cream


1. In a stand mixer, beat together all ingredients until well combined.

2. Put the frosting into a piping bag and frost away. If you don’t have a piping bag, use a ziplock bag and cut a tiny hole at the bottom.

3. Make sure the cupcakes are completely cool before frosting.


  • Erin

    These look amazing! I can’t believe it’s national coffee day and I didn’t even know it. Will definitely have to whip up a batch of these, along with some espresso, to celebrate!

    • Samantha

      Let me know if you try them! They are so delicious!!! And obviously pair perfectly with coffee!

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