Gluten Free Banana Muffins

Happy August long weekend, everyone! This weekend feels extra fabulous and genuinely like a long weekend. No, it is not because of gluten free banana muffins, but they could play a role!

It’s because I’m fortunate enough to have my Aunt staying with us (after a two-week quarantine); she is taking care of the little munchkin, and in her spare time, has been cleaning the house. I haven’t asked her to do any of this. She takes the initiative and gets it done. Seriously, the dream, right?!

Honestly, though, it’s the first true break I’ve had since I went into labor over 14 months ago. It’s given me time to do things for me, and not even need to think about all of Sloane’s needs, what’s for dinner, if we have enough groceries, or what needs to be cleaned in the house.

I obviously desperately needed a break and am feeling eternally grateful to my Aunt for taking on the mama bear role for a few days.

An overhead shot of Signed Samantha's Gluten Free Banana Mini Muffins. There are approximately 15 mini muffins pictured on a circular platter with little pieces of banana on top of each muffin.

Let’s talk about these gluten free banana muffins now, shall we?!

Is everyone banana breaded out?! I wanted banana bread, but I was pretty sick of seeing and making everything in bread format.

I’ve also noticed in our house; bread format gets wasted more easily. I think because an entire slice of banana bread is too much for Sloane to take down.

We’ll ignore the fact that she smooshes the life out of her food when she’s done with it. But, I couldn’t even save hers and eat it after.

Cut to the cutest gluten free banana MINI muffins!

They are the perfect snack size for Sloane and do not get wasted at all.

I wanted to healthy these gluten free banana muffins up a bit, so went with coconut sugar (which apparently retains some nutrients – but it’s debated if it’s better for you than good old fashion sugar) and prunes (even though I wanted chocolate chips).

They are just the right amount of sweetness, moistness, and cuteness. These gluten free banana muffins are easily made non-gluten free by using regular flour. I’ve also made it, so you have a selection – you get to pick your extra goodie that goes into these. As I mentioned, I put prunes into these muffins. I would easily put chocolate chips into them, carob chips if you wanted to be healthier, or raisins. The possibilities are endless.

Overhead shot of Signed Samantha's gluten free banana muffins. The mini muffins are pictured on a circular platter, with 1/4 sliced bananas on top, 1/4 sliced bananas in the side, a spoon with batter laid on the counter, and a bottle of vanilla pictured.

Gluten Free Banana Muffins

Makes 48 mini muffins*


+ 2 cups all-purpose gluten free flour (I have always used Bob’s Red Mill)**

+ 1 tsp baking soda

+ 1/4 tsp salt

+ 1 tsp cinnamon

+ 1/2 tsp cloves

+ 1/2 tsp nutmeg

+ 4 eggs, room temperature

+ 4 over ripe bananas

+ 1 cup coconut sugar

+1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce

+ 1/3 cup canola oil

+ 2 tsp vanilla

+ 3/4 cup item of your choice – prunes for the kiddos, chocolate chips for the parents? (prunes, chocolate chips, raisins, or other dried fruit of your choice) 

*  This recipe can be made into banana bread (2 loaves), or regular muffins (24 muffins) as well:

+ banana bread, bake approximately 50 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

+ regular size muffins, bake approximately 22 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

** You can easily substitute regular flour for this recipe.

Batter in a bowl plus Signed Samantha's gluten free banana muffin batter in mini muffin tins with a 1/4 slice of banana sticking out


1. Pre-heat oven to 350F.

2. In a large bowl, whisk your flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

3. In a medium-sized bowl, mash your bananas.

4. Once your bananas are mashed, add the eggs, coconut sugar, apple sauce, vanilla, and canola oil. Mix well.

5. Fold your wet ingredients into your dry ingredients until just combined.

6. Add your *insert your selection here (chocolate chips?!)* and mix, gently, until evenly distributed.

7. Line your mini muffin tins and scoop out 1 tsp of batter into each liner. I topped mine with a mini banana slice, feel free to do the same!

8. Bake 15 minutes, let cool, and enjoy.




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