Easy Strategies for Managing Kids’ Wardrobe Chaos

Organize your children's wardrobe with Ikea Skubbs

f you're here, you know that children's clothing can be one of the biggest pains to organize. I found it overwhelming because clothing fits for exactly 1 second during the baby stage. Once I realized that, I knew that if you don't have strategies for managing your kids' wardrobes, their closets can become a hot mess. Once that hot mess hits, it quickly becomes an area you're not likely to fix down the road because it becomes a huge undertaking. Lucky for you, I'm here to help you with some easy strategies you can implement to keep your children's clothing organized and cycling through smoothly. PS no I did not organize this closet to make it look more organized because that's not realistic. So I realize it's not beautiful or Pinterest worthy but it works! Also Sawyer's closet is massive so it doubles as storage for ALL of Sloane's old clothes that will eventually be hers.

Here’s a look at the nursery close up if you wanted to see the details that aren’t behind closed doors and that are actually Pinterest worthy. 

organizing your children's wardrobe

Organizing Children’s Wardrobes by Size

The most obvious thing you need to do is get the kid’s wardrobe organized by size. No matter where I put the clothes away, it’s all done by size. For example, I use the Ikea Skubb Boxes to keep everything in order in the girls’ drawers but I label what sizes are in there. For Sawyer, I have mostly sleepers in her drawers. When she is out of one size, I grab the next Skubb Box. For anything hanging, I tend to put smaller sizes closer to the centre of the closet and larger ones further away. No matter where I’m looking, I know exactly what fits Sawyer and what I can grab.

organize your children's closets with ikea skubb cubes and labels

Storing Children’s Clothes That No Longer Fit

Since these kiddos are growing so darn fast, one of my favourite tips is to keep a “doesn’t fit” bag hanging in the closet. For my “doesn’t fit” bag, I often use shopping bags or reusable bags. It’s easy to use. When an article of clothing no longer fits, it goes right into this bag. I’m saving you from pulling out a bin that you might be packing clothes into, posting one-offs on Facebook Marketplace, or whatever you’re doing with those clothes that are too small. Once the bag is full, do whatever you intended to do with the clothing in the first place.

I had saved all of Sloane’s wardrobe if we opted to have another child. Once my “doesn’t fit” bag was full, I moved the clothing into a plastic storage bin. I labelled the sizes in that bin. I am grateful to my forward-thinking self. I can quickly and easily access new sizes I need to pull out for Sawyer.

Ignore the second bag below – that was an old one from Sloane’s wardrobe and I need another rubbermaid to free up before I can put it a way 

childrens wardrobe organization - a bag for clothes that are too small
childrens wardrobe organization - a bag for clothes that are too small

Organizing Your Child’s Wardrobe

My last piece of advice is to organize your children’s clothing exactly how you would your own. I fold my pj’s and put them in a drawer, so that’s how I’ve organized the girl’s clothing too. There is no reason their clothing should be stored any differently than yours just because it’s a mini size! The exception is space constraints. If you do have space constraints, the same rule applies – how would you organize your clothing with those constraints? That’s what you want to implement for your babies!

Happy organizing.

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