DIY McGee & Co Alward Side Table

Holy banana rabbits! I’m not even sure what that means, but I do know it is seriously expressive which is what I was going for. I MADE this side table. I saw it, and I fell in love. But then I saw the price tag. This Alward side table costs you a cool $1175 on McGee & Co’s website (here if you’re interested in the splurge), plus another $100 handling fee.

Are you ready for what it cost me to make?! I am honestly not sure if you can handle it…

I made my Alward side table dupe for $50! FIFTY DOLLARS. Can you even?! Okay, Fine, fine, all in it was $200. Why the jump in price?! Because I used this opportunity to buy myself a jigsaw! Counting the new jigsaw or not, it is a LOT of savings.

Alward side table from studio mcgee.. excep its a DIY version. It is a pine wood table with an "x" lengthwise for the legs and a round top. It is decorated with a vase, two books, a plant and a set of wooden beads. An olive tree is in the back ground. and a grey sofa next to it.

DIY Alward Side Table From McGee & Co

The McGee & Co Alward side table might be made out of reclaimed pine which is likely the rationale for the hefty price tag. Theirs also has thicker and wider legs than what I opted for – husband’s request. Although truth be told, I may be looking to make this once more aligning the style more closely to the original version. Although mine looks light and delicate, I like the added heaviness that this could bring to our space in particular. This is the fun of DIY you guys! You can make ANYTHING you want and tweak it in any capacity that you want to!

Alward Side Table By Studio McGee

Here’s what you need to make this DIY Alward Side table from McGee & Co:

Before you pick out your materials, you need to know what height you’d like the table to be as well as what size you’d like the round to be. I will give you measurements based on what I have made below. It is 2 ft tall and 22″ in diameter. This is for one table.

  • One x 1″ x 2′ x 2′ pine plywood for the top 
  • One x 1″ x 12″ x 24″ pine board (shelving works too but is more expensive)
  • Stain – I used white paint, and rustoleum aged glaze
  • Paint brush
  • Carptener’s Glue
  • 1″ L brackets for extra sturdiness

Tools you need:

Signed Samantha's DIY alward side table cuts in her 1X12" boards.
Alward side table from studio mcgee.. excep its a DIY version. It is a pine wood table with an "x" lengthwise for the legs and a round top. It is decorated with a vase, two books, a plant and a set of wooden beads. An olive tree is in the back ground. and a grey sofa next to it.

Instructions to Make Your Own Alward Side Table

  1. Measure the lengths on the long boards (2 ft each) and make your cuts using your circular saw.
  2. Find the centre of the board, where you will make your “puzzle-piece” cut – there is probably a name for this, but is it as good as mine?! This cut needs to be the same width as the board and right in the middle. You will want the same cut on both boards – except one will be 3/4 of the way down and one will be 1/4 of the way down. This is how your boards are going to fit together. Being as precise as possible here is key. Use your jigsaw to cut this out. If you’re struggling to get the bottom portion out, take your chisel and hammer and hammer away. Flip the board around and repeat on the other side.
  3. While your jigsaw is out, trace your circle and make your cut. For the perfect jigsaw cut, I would make a jig.. for your saw…
  4. Make sure your boards fit together well, sit flat to the ground, and allow the top to sit flat on it. If not, make a few minor tweaks as necessary.
  5. Using a little bit of white paint and water (25% paint and 75% water), white wash your boards. Let it dry. Over top, add the rustoleum glaze and wipe away any excess using a cloth or paper towel. Let it dry.
  6. Glue your legs together and then slide those puzzle pieces in! I also opted to fill along the sides to fully hide the seam – the choice is yours. You will need to do one more round of paint/glaze if you go this route. Make sure the base is level!
  7. Place the top on the table and make sure the overhang is consistent all the way around. Using a pencil, trace the outline of the legs onto the bottom of the table. Glue the tabletop to the legs. Make sure it is level!
  8. For additional security, I added l brackets to the very middle on the backside of my tables. I have a toddler and I certainly trust that she is going to be a little harder on the table than most!
  9. That’s it! EASY PEASY you did it!!!
Alward side table from studio mcgee.. excep its a DIY version. It is a pine wood table with an "x" lengthwise for the legs and a round top. It is decorated with a vase, two books, a plant and a set of wooden beads. An olive tree is in the back ground. and a grey sofa next to it. Signed Samantha is sitting on the sofa


  • Gampie

    Great work peanut, you are truly a handywoman, nothing you can’t do.gampie

    • Samantha

      Thank you, Gampie! Slowly learning, but I can always figure it out. XOXO

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