dining room with a set table, wine glasses, dishes, spring flowers

lowly but surely I am tackling updating each room on our main floor. By the time I'm done with our main floor, I'll be re-starting one of the completed rooms (just kidding, McGregor - if you're reading this!). Anyway, I've made my way through our living room and our family room (which I owe you an update on!). Now, I'm onto my dining room update which puts me in a seriously happy mood. If you've been here a while, you know that we have a big love for food and entertaining in this house. Things drastically changed when Sloane came into our lives and the obvious COVID. But, we are slowly getting back to it and the most challenging part of hosting dinner parties in our house is the small dining room table we have. While this is not yet fixed, I'm willing to look past it for the little updates that have been made already.

Dining Room Changes

For context, the image above was the old dining room space, and here’s the old tour. Once again, I fully recognize that there was nothing wrong with it from an objective point of view. But, as time has passed, the style of our furniture and decor has evolved resulting in the dining room sticking out like a sore thumb. The pattern on the rug hurt my head and showed every dot and line from the several markers that fell on it.

McGregor loves those bus rolls, but I have been growing away from them, and the colour scheme of the bus rolls wasn’t working for me. Lucky for me, he loves his wife more, so let me come up with a different idea for that wall. 

The first two changes are here and ready: 

Honestly, if I was changing nothing else in my dining room, I would (potentially) be ok. But I’ve already committed to more changes so here we go. 

Dining Room Table

This one was so hard for me to find. There were several dining tables that McGregor did not like and said looked too “old.” Given I lucked out on the bus roll situation, I decided not to push my luck and kept looking. Eventually, I found the perfect table that is wider and longer than our existing one. We should be able to sit 8 comfortably and presumably squeeze in 10 people in desperate times.

The dining table is pictured below and is from Maison Olive (my friend Stephanie who lives in Montreal snapped it for me) and I have a 15% off discount code if you wanted: Samantha15. It is a beautiful shop based out of Montreal and every single thing I’ve received from them I love beyond words. I’m crossing my fingers I have the same sentiment for the table.

Dining Room Pendant

A pendant for the dining room is quite a challenge for me right now. It is the one thing I haven’t decided on. I do know I want something unique and fun for the space but that will still tie it all together well.

Here are my options so far:

dining room image with a light superimposed as an option
dining room image with a light superimposed as an option
dining room image with a light superimposed as an option

I’m taking votes so let me know in the comments if you have an opinion, or, another option you think would be fantastic here.

The Eventual’s in the Dining Room

Those are the top changes I plan on making pretty swiftly but more items will come as time moves on including: 

New dining room chairs (let’s keep them dark for now so those marker stains stay hidden, ya?) 

Staining the sliding doors (oh my gosh it’ll make the space SO good)

That’s it for now! I’ll give more dining updates soon and link them here when they come!


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