You guys! You loved Sloane’s nursery tour last week, which I’m so appreciative of!

In drawing some inspo from you – I’m going to share different spaces in my home, and this week it is a dining room tour! Our dining room popped out as the next logical space to share as our big expenditures are now complete with our pendant light purchase. It’s been a lighting month in our home (I’m certain you remember my D.I.Y Light – I mean, honestly, how could you forget?!), but that means two more spaces are crossed off our list (excluding refinements).

So, the (almost – as you will learn below) completion of the space had me wanting to give you a dining room tour. Let’s do it!

Signed Samantha's dining room tour - she is watering one of her few plants in the corner

Second Heart of the Home

While the kitchen may be the heart of the home, our dining room is a very close second. Since day one of Sloane’s life, we have been adamant about including her in mealtimes. Our mentality is that mealtimes are a time for families to catch up and talk about their days – they are times to relax and reconnect. Our days are busy, like I’m sure everyone’s are, and it would be impossible always to be present with one another. During meal times – particularly dinner – we can be. We all eat the same thing, at the same time, have great conversation, and enjoy each others company.

5:30/6:00 dinners are certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but we value connecting with Sloane, modelling how to eat everything, including veggies (still working on embedding that in her head!), and connecting as a family.

Signed Samantha's dining room tour - a view of her dining room with a carpet, white pendant light, plants, and bus rolls - Samantha is sitting on the dining room table

A Bit of History

One of my favourite pieces you will see on this dining room tour includes these vintage bus rolls we have hanging on the walls. They are original rolls from the Vancouver trolley systems – circa 1950s. Given McGregor’s multi-generational Vancouver roots, we love having very “Vancouver” items in our home, and these rolls are no exception.

These rolls came as true rolls, with tattered edges (which if I’m being honest, I miss). We had them mounted so they could easily be hung and better preserved (which is ideal as Sloane gives you the whole Vanna White-style alphabet using them).

We got ours at a local store in Vancouver (Step Back was where we got them – and it looks like The Found and The Freed used to have them too – I would call before going because it was many years ago), but you could also get some made on Etsy – I have some options linked for you below.

Signed Samantha's dining room tour - a view of her dining room with a carpet, white pendant light, plants, and bus rolls

Dining Details and Things I Need

The rest of the dining room tour includes:

+ A washable rug – no, we are not insane enough to not have a splat mat over the rug – the mat was removed for the photos, but the rug is machine washable so there are huge bonus points for that.

+ “Charcoal” quilted chairs – ours are from stylus and you need to be working with a designer to be able to order from them, but they are comfy. We are likely also insane on this one to have fabric chairs and a toddler, but at least they are dark and she is still sitting in her highchair? And when she is not, the splat mat situation will double, haha!

+ Wood and metal table from West Elm many years ago (no longer available).

+ Our new pendant light from Robinson Lighting.

+ A plant from Ikea I’ve magically managed to keep alive for the past two years (as you can see, while shooting this post, I realized it needed water – that’s how good of a plant mom I am).

Now all I need is some strong inspo to finsih off the table top decor. With spring around the corner, I will likely change up the randomness I’ve tossed on there and bring some fun elements inside.

There you have it! My full blown dining room tour! I hope you enjoyed.



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  • Erin

    So beautiful! 😍 Love that you guys make it a point to eat dinner as a family every night. We always did that growing up & I definitely look back and appreciate that time so much.

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