D.I.Y Holiday Gift Tags

Okay, I promised you guys the answer to my two truths and a lie post. If you’re itching to know, skip to the bottom of this post because I’m first going to run through these D.I.Y holiday gift tags.

I went very rustic with my holiday wrapping this year: cue craft paper, dried oranges, greenery, twine, yarn, and, most importantly, these D.I.Y holiday gift tags. I find them to be crazy cute, so easy, and guess what?! Just like all of my other D.I.Y’s this year, this art project is also versatile. Which I will tell you about further down this post.

Anyways, instead of buying already done gift tags, I wanted to add some Signed Samantha fun to mine and stick within my gift wrapping theme. These are what I ended up with. 

Signed Samantha holding up a holiday gift showing her D.I.Y holiday gift tags. The gift is wrapped in craft paper with dried greens.

D.I.Y Holiday Gift Tags Are Versatile!

Okay, folks, these D.I.Y holiday gift tags are so dang versatile. Shocking for a Signed Samantha project, I know!

First of all, you don’t even need to use this process to make gift tags. You can use craft paper and stamp away, you can do holiday cards, you can stamp for fun, or you can obviously make gift tags.

Next, you can choose any color paint you want: I did black – obviously – white would be charming, green would be adorable; color options are yours!

Shapes galore! I did a tree as it seemed like the least daunting thing to take on with my sweet carving skills, but you can do stars, angels – sounds ambitious, but you can do it!

Signed Samantha sharing her D.I.Y Holiday gift tags but first a picture of her family sitting in front of their chrismtas tree

D.I.Y Holiday Gift Tags (or Wrap, or Cards) Add a Personal Touch

This year I wanted that personal something added to my tags. I mean, I didn’t ship them out to everyone, but some people will get them and know they were made with extra love and effort. Maybe it’ll add a little bit of brightness to your gift receiver’s day.

Maybe not, maybe it’s actually a fun activity you want to do with the kids. I really should have done this with Sloane, but unfortunately, while I took it on, she was napping. Maybe, fortunately, to avoid the mess.

Anyways, whether it’s just you, or you and the kiddo(s), it’s a fun little activity and it adds some warmth to a thoughtful gift.

Ready to get started?!

Signed Samantha holding up a holiday gift showing her D.I.Y holiday gift tags. The gift is wrapped in craft paper with dired oranges.

How to Make D.I.Y Holiday Gift Tags


+ gift tags (or craft paper, or cards – whatever you’re stamping!)

+ a potato

+ a knife

+ some carving skills

+ paint (I think any will do – I used Sloanes paint)

+ flat bottomed bowl or plate


1. Carefully carve out the shape you want in your potato. I started by slicing some potato off to create a flat surface and gently carved away the pieces I didn’t need to create the tree shape. You need about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch of the carved potato sticking out. 

2. Add a tiny bit of paint to your bowl/plate.

3. Dunk your potato

4. Stamp until your heart’s content. I do recommend a test stamp first, as my first one did not work out. I needed to get the stamping technique down before feeling good about tagging my tags.


P.S. – the lie was number 2! To be fair, it was partially a lie – my stepdad doesn’t love Christmas, but we are allowed to have a Christmas tree – there has never been, nor will there ever be any palm trees as our Christmas tree. The rest is truthful… 4 am wake-ups followed by a late-night Laker’s Christmas game!


  • Erin

    These are so cute!!! & I can’t believe I was wrong on the 2 truths and a lie… 4 a.m. wake-up calls sound insane but hey, that’s what the holiday spirit does I guess!?!?

    • Samantha

      I know 4 am is BONKERS! But it’s also pretty special how excited my mom gets about Christmas. Her and Sloane are going to cause so much trouble in the future LOL.

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