COVID-Friendly Must Haves

I know I’m late to the game in sharing what my favorite COVID-friendly must haves are, but better late than never, right?!

Despite the obviously in nothing about 2019 – aside from a beautiful baby girl, of course – or 2020 going to plan for me, COVID honestly hasn’t changed our day-to-day all that much. Sloane had to be a bubble baby for health reasons – hence, my 2019 not going to plan – and it wasn’t until right when COVID hit that she was cleared to hang out with other kids and live a normal life. But that’s a story for another time. Impeccable timing though, right?!

One of the main things COVID has done for me is heightened my sensitivity around how germs travel and has affirmed how dirty I think most things are. I was already hyper-sensitive to everything but now I truly second guess touching everything, and I cannot get enough hand sanitizer when we are out. Despite using an excessive amount of hand sanitizer, I will still wash my hands right when I get home, too – the professionals told me it is best!

I also thoroughly enjoy washing each and every item that enters my house. It was not a normal way to live, but it’s my new normal, and I actually can’t see myself going back.

My COVID-friendly must haves 100% play into my extreme behaviors – at least I recognize I’m an extremist, right? All joking aside, my main goal is to keep my family safe, extremist or not.

Here are my COVID-friendly must haves for you (and some for your family).

Signed Samantha's COVID-friendly must haves which includes a facemask. Samantha is sporting her leopard print mask

Face Masks

COVID-friendly must have number one is obvious: a mask.

Seriously guys, if you’re not wearing a mask in indoor places, I beg of you to reconsider. No one is asking any life-threatening activity of you, but the act of putting a mask on can help those around you.

It is not about someone telling you what to do; it is about saving other people’s lives.

Not to mention you can get SO many cute ones now. I got this one from a Canadian company.

I also just learned that Tiny Button Apparel (Jenny and I highlighted Tiny Button in August’s Local Love) has started making masks. They still have some that will ship in late September and likely will have another round coming in October. What I LOVE about these is that they have an additional strap that sits around your neck if you’re going between errands and want to take off your mask.

There are TONS of cute ones out there. I took this opportunity to support Canadian companies (McGregor got one off of Etsy – from a Canadian girl), but you can go mainstream if you like. 

Honestly, whatever gets you your mask faster, do it.  


Signed Samantha's COVID-friendly must haves includes a touchless soap dispenser which is pictured on a white tray with saje lotion, and a plant.

No-Touch Soap Dispenser

I’m obsessed with all three of these, but COVID-friendly must have number two might be my favorite.

Remember how I just said I hate touching everything. Well, coming in from running errands, I literally cringe when I have to touch the door handle to open it.

IMAGINE what would happen to my brain if I had to touch the soap to get it out of the dispenser. Thank goodness I don’t need to know the answer to that as we have this touchless soap dispenser

This one is the old version. The new one is rechargeable, and I would suggest that one as you burn through batteries at an astronomical rate (or I do at the rate I wash my hands). 

We also use one for dish soap. Pop you brush under it and voila, some soap. I don’t remember what it’s like to have to work for your dish soap…

I cannot recommend it enough!  

Signed Samantha's COVID-friendly must haves includes a pink belt bag that she is wearing across her body, over her shoulder. The bag is pink and leather.

Belt Bag

This bag is my go-to-bag. COVID-friendly must have or not; I would recommend this if you’re a mom or someone who juggles a ton of items. 

I LOVE the aesthetic of this bag, but I would think any belt bag would serve the exact same function as this one. But let’s get real, a belt bag is a fancy term for a fanny pack and yes I’m into it. 

They are compact and completely hands-free.

This one fits quite a bit into it, considering its size. I can leave the house with my wallet (which is a small cardholder, not a big thing), my house keys, car keys, cell phone, mask, and there is still room for snacks and water for Sloane. 

PLUS if you’re chasing around a kid or don’t want the bag to flop about and touch any germs while you’re out and about, this bag is ATTACHED nice and CLOSE to your body. You need no extra limbs to hold this thing down. The pockets are easy to access. There are many ways to style it – over your shoulder, around your waist. I’ll leave that one to the fashion experts, though.  

But I’m serious, fanny packs are the best. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. 

Those are my top three COVID-friendly must haves. Do you have anything that you have found you cannot live without during this pandemic? 


  • Ann

    I love that thete are so many face mask designs available. I recently bought a pack that I try to match with what I’m wearing. Thank you for sharing!

    • Samantha

      I love that, Ann! I think they will be part of everyone’s day to day outfit decisions, similar to what shoes or purse you should wear.

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