Built-in Bookshelf – One Room Challenge Week 6

I spent five hours this past week making various cuts to complete the next stage of my one room challenge home office renovation. My circular saw stopped working properly and I was about to throw it anywhere out of sight… Like the garbage, at wall, or garage door as that was what I had in front of me.

You know that point in your project, where you question every decision you’ve made? Every tiny little thing frustrates you and drives you batty – from your tools not working to having the wrong sized screws. Nothing fixes this problem until you overcome this hurdle and make the darn thing.

Signed Samantha sitting in front of her newly built-in bookshelf - not quite done but almost there in green with wood shelves.

The Office Space SO Close to Complete!

Built-in bookshelf = my hurdle of this project. Easily one of the more (okay fine – the MOST) frustrating weeks of this one room challenge has been building each built-in bookshelf. But the reward of this one has been beyond anything I could have imagined.

I have fully built these from scratch – made the design myself, did the cuts myself (over far too long!!!! stupid saw), painted it all, stained the shelves. Each built-in bookshelf is my vision coming fully to life. I realize this whole room is my vision coming to life – but the bookshelf is completely unique from the design to the build. It’s so satisfying to see it all come together.

Signed Samantha's built-in bookshelf it is not quite finished. The built-in bookshelf is in green and the shelves are wood

One Room Challenge: Week 6 | Almost Complete Built-In Bookshelf

Signed Samantha's built-in bookshelf it is not quite finished. The built-in bookshelf is in green and the shelves are wood

Albeit the built-in bookshelf still requires several finishing touches (front caps, caulking, one more coat of paint, etc.), they might be one of my favourite parts of the room so far. I’m getting excited to decorate them this week and hope that the frustrating part of this project is far behind me!

Up next: finishing touches on everything (caulk, fill, one more coat of paint) and decor!

By next week, I”ll have a final built-in bookshelf and tutorial for you,. Don’t forget I do have the Ikea Ivar hack post up as well as the DIY desk top post for you.


As always, don’t forget to check out how others are making out on their projects on the One Room Challenge Blog.

And if you’re looking for my progress, you can see:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5


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