Blistered Shishito Peppers

Okay, you guys, I am so excited about this one. Shishito peppers are one of my favorite peppers, and I find them incredibly challenging to find in Vancouver.

One of my good friends and I are actually obsessed with shishitos – the strangest part of it is that she hates all other peppers.

The fact that she doesn’t eat peppers is a whole other discussion. Still, I’m fairly certain the only reason she eats shishitos is that 1 out of every 10th pepper is incredibly spicy. 

It’s a game of roulette for her. 

And I am not one to turn down a good game. 

I also only say apparently because McGregor and I demolished these blistered shishito peppers tonight, and neither of us got a spicy one… it was a disappointing game.

The lack of spiciness, however, did permit my daughter Sloane to try some (after McGregor or I tested each one first to triple-check that it was not spicy). She gobbled them up. I don’t know what to say except that she joined her Auntie Michelle’s pepper club – hates bell peppers, loves shishitos.

Signed Samantha's blistered shishito peppers are pictured in a white bowl with shishito peppers in the background on the counter.

I’ve coated these blistered shishito peppers in salt, salt, and more salt. So maybe it’s the salt they both love? 

Additionally, the idea to use our trader joe’s everything bagel seasoning popped into my head… embarrassingly for the first time. It is SO good. How did I not know about this?! Now we are not even able to get across the border to stock ourselves up. Luckily dear google has once again saved the day, and I have linked another bloggers recipe to the seasoning below. 

The only other addition I would perhaps suggest if you’re looking for that extra kick, are some chili flakes. 

Beware, if you get that spicy blistered shishito pepper PLUS you have some chili flakes on it, it may knock your socks off. 

Are there peppers you love? And some you hate? I love them ALL. But these are easily my faves.

Signed Samantha's blistered shishito peppers are pictured in a white bowl being held by two hands facing the camera.

Blistered Shishito Peppers

Serves 2 if you’re pigging out and it serves 4 if you’re being civil


+ 2 Tbsp olive oil 

+ 1 Tbsp sesame oil

+ 3 cups shishito peppers

+ 1/4 tsp sea salt

+ 2 tsp trader joe’s everything bagel seasoning*

+ 1/2 lemon, juiced

+ 1 tsp Maldon sea salt flakes  

* for us Canadians with limited access to Trader Joe’s at the moment, everything bagel seasoning is comprised of: dried garlic flakes, dried onion flakes, black sesame seeds, regular sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and regular sea salt – Perry’s Plate has a full run-down of the perfect ratio to use.


1.  In a large cast-iron pan, combine your shishito peppers, olive oil, sesame oil, and salt.

2. Place the cast iron pan onto the burner over medium-high heat, cover with a splatter screen, and stir every few minutes.

3. Allow shishitos to cook for approximately 10 minutes, until well blistered.

4. Once you’re satisfied with the blistering on your shishito peppers, remove the shishitos from the pan and place it into a mixing bowl. 

5. Add lemon juice, everything bagel seasoning, and sea salt flakes. Mix well. 

6. Serve warm and enjoy!  


  • Sabrina

    Ummm drooling already

  • Erin

    I love that only 1 in 10 is a spicy one, that makes eating them so much more fun! Also, I am so excited you found TJ’s everything but the bagel seasoning, it’s good on literally everything! Can’t wait to try these shishito’s asap

    • Samantha

      It’s honestly such a fun game! I may need you to fed ex me more of that seasoning!!!! I can’t believe I didn’t open it until now.

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