Best Shows to Watch on Netflix Now

Since I started this blog, I really haven’t had much opportunity to be watching Netflix. Or any TV for that matter. I suspect I have about ten episodes of the Real Housewives of NYC and an entire season of Billions PVR/DVR’ed (depending on if you’re American or Canadian) on our TV. 

Since I had an extra day of McGregor helping with Sloane this past weekend, I decided to take some time for myself to relax. That included excessively binge-watching Netflix. 

It was SO glorious. I forgot that sometimes you need those little moments off to sit and be carried away to another person’s world. I came into this week feeling far more refreshed and ready to go after that binge.

So in the spirit of fall and rainy weather, I’ve decided this Thursday’s Three will be three different categories all about what the best shows to watch on Netflix are.

I won’t explain the shows I’m listing below, so I don’t ruin any surprises, but I will tell you why I enjoy them, and hopefully, there are one or two shows on here you haven’t seen yet that you can take some time to yourself to sit and enjoy.


Best shows to watch on netflix now - netflix is on the ipad, with a bowl of popcorn, glasses, water, and iphone pictured on a blanket

Top Three Easy Watching | Best Shows to Watch on Netflix Now

If I’m turning on Netflix, easy-watching is my jam lately. After a long day of watching Sloane while trying to work in between, plus make sure everyone is fed and the housework is taken care of, I am wiped. The last thing I’ve wanted is a show that I need to use my brainpower on. So these are my go-to easy-watching best shows to watch on Netflix now. What a mouthful.

1. Schitt’s Creek: I mean, there is a reason they won so many Emmy’s. The show was created by Eugine Levy and his son, Dan – who also happen to star in it. It is incredibly well written and has a hilarious story-line with so much dry-sarcastic humor. It is just my kind of show.

2. The Good Place: Kristen Bell and Ted Danson star in this light-hearted, easy to follow philosophical comedy. This show can be an easy, mindless watchable show, or it can get you thinking about many different theories and rationales… The choice is yours.

3. Emily in Paris: This was my latest binge. It was SO easy to turn on and mindlessly watch and be entertained. I thoroughly enjoyed the character development, the storyline, feminism, comedy, and romance all in one. 


Signed Samantha's Best Shows to Watch on Netflix now - she is sitting on the couch with a blanket over her, a bowl of popcorn, and remote in hand turning on the TV.

Dark Humor | Best Shows to Watch on Netflix Now

I feel like dark humor is a relatively new genre? Maybe? Maybe not? Whatever the case, I’m VERY into it. A little too into it. The plot twists, the good girls gone bad, the poor decisions people make. I mean, some of these shows are (hopefully) a little outlandish, but some are perfectly twisted and realistic.  

1. Good Girls: Something about these moms just trying to make a few extra dollars by getting into some non-legal activities has me hooked. Maybe because it’s the perception of mom’s being “good girls,” and, no one suspects what they are up to. Plus, they are kind of badass in the way they handle their situations.

2. Friends From College: I wasn’t sure if I should categorize this one as dark humor but decided I should. As the name suggests, the show is about several friends from college who still hang out and see each other. What has me hooked is they are all train wrecks. They mingle inappropriately with one another while still hanging out in group settings. Again, it’s another super sarcastic but highly entertaining one.

3. Dead to Me: This one is VERY dark. I think I say that because of the empathy you feel for these women, even though they’ve done terrible things. I would say that empathy you feel is a testament to the fabulous performances both ladies give in this show. 


Signed Samantha's best shows to watch on Netflix Now - Bowl of popcorn shown.

All-Time Top Three | Best Shows on Netflix Now

Okay, first of all, what is relaxing to watch a show without popcorn? Do you guys add anything to your popcorn? Maybe the seasoning shakers? I add those, but I’m also obsessed with adding real flavors. So, my two popcorn hacks before you sit down and watch the best shows on Netflix now:

+ melted butter + freshly grated parmesan + pepper

+ melted butter + lime + cayenne 

Both are so delish. I always tend to gravitate towards the parmesan though. 

Okay, my top, top, TOP, overall shows on Netflix right now (in backward order – i.e., number one is at the end):

3. Master of None: this one could fall under light/easy watching, but some moments require you to be fully paying attention to catch on-to. The show is based on Aziz Ansari’s real-life experiences. He brings some fantastic awkward humor to the table and makes the audience want to become better, more thoughtful people. 

2. Ozark: this show is as dark as can be – which now you all know I love now. Plus, Jason Bateman and I are basically the same person and he is the main character. The acting is outstanding; the storyline is phenomenal. Every plot twist and turn, I’m there for hanging onto the edge of my seat. So anxious for season 4!

1. Money Heist: this show is one that takes me SO long to convince people to watch, and once they do, they are HOOKED. This is definitely my favorite TV series EVER. It is a thriller, drama, comedy, and romance all in one. It is one you are hooked from the moment you start watching—the creativity in the storyline and writing some of the best I’ve seen. If you watch one show from this list, make it Money Heist. You will need to pay attention as it is in Spanish and I would recommend the English sub-titles in-lieu of the dub-over. 





  • Erin

    I LOVE the good place! I keep seeing it pop up on my Netflix again for the new season and definitely am being pulled back in. Also, Master of None was so good! I love Aziz. I’ve been thinking of checking out Schitt’s Creek for a while – do you think it’s worth it?!

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