Recommended Spotify Playlists

A few weeks ago, I checked in with all of you over on Instagram asking for some of your favourite Spotify playlists. I feel like my music algorithm has been commandeered by Disney – specifically Encanto, Moana, and High-ho High-ho. All of my recommended songs are certainly not what I want to listen to in my down time but they are Sloane’s dream come true. I may need to sign her up for her own Spotify account so she can mess with her own algorithm which would actually be her dream come true.

Needless to say, if you needed toddler music recommendations, I’m your girl. But if you wanted to do almost anything else, I am usually not the one you should be coming to – except today. Today you can come to me because all of you informed these Spotify playlists recommendations.

an office where I listen to my favourite spotify playlists

My All-Time Favourite Spotify Playlist

First, you will think I am contradicting myself. In a past life, I USED to be someone you could come to for awesome music suggestions. I loved finding less popular music, remixes by the unknowns, etc. I also loved making playlists. Now I just don’t have quite as much free time to tackle it but one of my last playlists before this skill got bumped off my list is this awesome old school rap/hip hop mix. It’s predominately a 90s mix. This is one of my faves to toss on when doing a project and just dance away to.

Signed Samantha's favourite McGee and my favourite place to listen to spotify playlists

Your Top Spotify Playlist Suggestions

I had one profile tossed at me and I listened to one their playlists and really enjoyed it! I hope the rest are just as good: Spotify Profile for a ton of playlists.

Some of my favourite playlists were suggested – particularly Dinner with Friends  and Fraiche Cooking.

The Hamilton Soundtrack was another suggestion – which I know for a fact is an all time favourite of many of you.

Here were some others that I am still working my way through.  

Would love to know what you think of these playlist and if you have any more to add to the list! I’ll keep trying to populate this as more come in!


Happy listening.


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