One Room Challenge: Week 5 – We Have a Desk Top!

You were doubting that this was actually an office for a while, weren’t you? Honestly, I was too. Until now with my DIY desk top completed. Now, I can see the vision starting to come to life and it’s incredible. You’ve heard me say this before, but can someone remind me why it is I didn’t start this sooner?! This space is quickly becoming a sanctuary that I love and adore – in spite of the fact that I need to work here regularly. At least now I am creating a calm place I can work where I’ll be inspired daily to come to.

My next major tackling and piece in this room is the bookshelves. What’s funny about these is that my window is right in the way of one of them. The best solution (aside from building four bookshelves – which was a no thanks for me) was to make on 6″ deep bookshelf and one 12″ deep bookshelf. I am worried about how this won’t look symmetrical, however, it’s all I got. I think I can play with the balance based on how I decorate it. But we will have to wait a few more weeks to see how that comes together.

To Wallpaper or not to Wallpaper?

DIY Desk top for week 5 of the one room challenge - rusitc desktop, built in cabinets and a shiplap wall. Not yet done is a bookcase. There are small decor items on the desk and Signed Samantha sitting on the desk top.

Okay, I also had one more thought for this space – that is potentially some wallpaper along the left wall of the room (pictured a bit below). I’m debating it, part of me thinks it’s just what this room needs, the other part of me thinks it could make things too busy here. If you’re here, I’ll totally take your input – this is the wallpaper I’m thinking of. Comment and let me know, is it too much? Or just right?

One Room Challenge: Week 5 | The Desk Top Went In!

DIY desk top for week five of the one room challenge. Shiplap in behind - two bookshelves still to come

Oh, and as promised, I finally have the Ikea Ivar hack post up as well as the DIY desk top post for you.


As always, don’t forget to check out how others are making out on their projects on the One Room Challenge Blog.

And if you’re looking for my progress, you can see:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


  • Myra

    Really loving your week by week explanation of this project. I’m trying to build something similar for our basement, except the wall I want to use is 187″ long lol. Do you have any tutorial or can briefly explain how you made the tabletop?

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