Make Your Pumpkins Last

By now, you likely know that through the blogging world everything is done way sooner than when any “normal” person would take it on. For example, I follow one blogger who had her house decorated for fall in early August. Early August, people!! That’s insane. I mean, I guess for the holidays last year I was starting to decorate in early November… so, really who am I to judge?

In addition to this, last year I purchased pumpkins VERY early in the season, and, well, they went mouldy. McGregor did his very best in carving them, but honestly, they were totally rotted out by Halloween. This year, I did the same thing (LOL! – so clearly I am an early adopter of seasons – but how else would I bring you inspo!) and we got them in late September. The difference, however is this time, I followed a simple recipe to (hopefully) have them last a little bit longer.

pumpkins pictured on a bench with several shoes lined up. The pumpkins are pastel green, deep green, and some smaller gourds

So if you are a keen pumpkin purchaser like myself, I have a solution for you – pumpkin preservation. So far this pumpkin preservation method is working like a charm and my pumpkins are lasting, no getting mouldy, squishy, or otherwise.

pumpkins in a bubble bath

Preserve Your Pumpkins To Last

Enough for a whole lotta lumpkiny pumpkin-ys


  • 3 tbsp dish soap 
  • 3 tbsp bleach (optional – I used this, I talked to my friend Ashley @Clean.Babe.Co who said she did this last year without bleach and they lasted until Christmas!)
  • Water from the tap


  1. Fill your sink with water
  2. Add your dish soap and bleach and mix around
  3. Add your pumpkins
  4. Stop the water once your pumpkins are covered (if they are too big, flip your pumpkins part way through)
  5. Soak your pumpkins for 30 minutes. 
  6. Remove from water, let dry. 
  7. Voila! Mummified pumpkins to last until Christmas!

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