One Room Challenge | Week Three – The Week I got my Act Together

Week three of the one room challenge. The week that something happened in this office space! I finally got my tush into gear and made some rather big decisions for this space. Some of those big decisions include opting to use Ikea cabinets for the lower portion of the desk, a colour, and a desktop.

I must note, my old desk is not staying, but it just so happens to fit perfectly and I don’t have another spot for it for the time being. So here it sits.

Signed Samantha sitting on her Ikea Ivar box that she has a hack for and is sharing during the one room challenge week three.

One Room Challenge: Week 3 | Ikea to the Rescue

Let’s start with the Ikea cabinets. I went back and forth between making my own and opting for Ikea. What finally made my decision was two-fold – time and cost. Obviously, betweenĀ Weeks 1Ā andĀ Week 2Ā of the One Room Challenge, I didn’t make it very far so I am really running out of time. Given I haven’t made my own cabinets (yet), I decided to minimize the amount I would be making here. That being said, the cost is really what did me in. It was going to be $260 for ONE box (no shelves, no doors) if I were to make it myself. Instead, I spent just under $300 on both boxes (doors and shelves included). Thank you, Ikea.

I also decided to build a base to put them on. My office is carpeted, and I’m not quite ambitious enough to remove the carpet install the flooring myself, I’ve opted to leave it there. That being said, I couldn’t leave the boxes on the ground because, well, when you open a door… you can’t really open it – the carpet is in the way! Plus, the base makes your Ikea cabinets look way more custom and built in.

I have aĀ tutorial on the base here,Ā and once I’m fully complete the boxes (that includes doors!), I will have a how to on that as well.

One room challenge week three - the week I got it together by building two built ins with bases

Colour Challenge… Or was it?

Okay, also due to a time constraint, I didn’t want to go back and forth to get paint, testers, check the colours, blah, blah, blah. So, I totally went with my gut (and McGregor’s suggestion of something in the green family). Here it is! I’m in love and obsessed!!! I opted for Benjamin Moore Ashwood Moss and let me tell you, this gut decision was one of the best ones I’ve made in a while (mostly due to a lack of gut-based decisions but also due to the fact that it’s beautiful and suits the space perfectly.

An Ikea Ivar box that Signed Samantha has a hack for and is sharing during the one room challenge week three.

Don’t forget to check out how others are making out on their projects on theĀ One Room Challenge Blog.


  • Amber

    The colour is so pretty! Great gut decision šŸ™‚

  • Jackie

    Haha I love the title of this post with getting your act together. I need one of those weeks too! Also IKEA cabinets are great šŸ™‚

    • Samantha

      Haha, finally did something here!! I need the next five weeks to be this type of week. They are so good. I’m grateful for them right now!!

  • Lauren

    Can you let me know what Ikea cabinets those are? You are totally inspiring me to do our office and I want to do something VERY similar!

  • Jordanna

    Love how the look turned out! Question? These cabinets look deeper than 11.75 inches (lists on the IKEA site) did you do anything to add depth?


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