One Room Challenge Week 2: Getting My Act Together

Okay, we are into week two of the One Room Challenge, and I’m seeing some pretty awesome progress some folks are making – check out the One Room Challenge Blog here if you want to see some actual progress… Meanwhile, I’m over here still “space planning.” Honestly, though, it’s been a ridiculously busy week and if I started any project work this week I would have just been too exhausted which would have resulted in a ton of frustration and annoyances.

Instead, I’m taking the time to try to map out and plan what this room will look like and how I need it to function for me. Truth be told, my other hiccup is that I am still not overly motivated to get this space done. It’s a disaster zone, as you saw in week 1’s post, but for some odd reason I’m just not that into changing it – perhaps because I spend too much time in here to begin with so to start a project in here means I’ll be spending all of my time here…

I think the reason is somewhere above there, but I’m trying to give myself some grace in taking it (super!!) slow and properly come up with a plan of attack.

Okay, plan of attack: is here and ready for you! But are you ready to finally see what’s planned?! I’m ready to share this primo (sub-par at best) mood board!

One Room Challenge - Week Two - Home office mood board includes built ins, a boucle chair, a lounge set, rug, in warm tones

Okay so I’m not sold on the colours, but this is the image I could find of what I like.

It’ll be:

  • Built-ins along the back wall: drawers and shelves on either side and then a desk in the middle.
  • Desk will be DIY’ed by yours truly
  • Shiplap behind the deck – I am continuously drawn to it
  • One or two sconces (not pictured, I’m not that talented with mood boards)
  • I’m debating making a multi-use table for the middle of the room which can serve as a craft table/multi use table with stools or something similar underneath
  • A whole bunch of decor

I’ve never done built-ins or made any shelves. I think I have to tackle it on my own given what I want to see done… I got this. I got this. I got this. I’m clearly my own hype girl today.

Colour Help

There is so much great inspo out there – this makes zero sense but I’m waivering: bold, dark, and moody or light, neutral, airy.

UGH. The debates! If you’re still here reading, comment below with any insights! I’m accepting any and all feedback. I also have some inspo images below (sources linked by clicking images) to help see it…

One Room Challenge Week 2 Design inspo - light office space with shiplap


  • Yarrow

    I like the dark one better. Part of that for me though is that there is less little stuff on the shelves so I see it as more serene. That may not be the mood you want though.

    • Samantha

      Thanks, Yarrow! I’m leaning towards the darker one as well. But I appreciate that it may be the minimalism that’s drawing you in!

  • Traci

    Oh I do love the moody images but I always pick bright and bold when I actually get started. Once you get moving all the pieces will start falling into place!

    • Samantha

      Thanks so much, Traci. I am so torn, but am excited for this week’s update – I actually have one and… I’ve already made a colour choice!

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