I’ve already written a part 1 for how to do self-care during a pandemic, but it would appear we are about ready for part 2. At least I am. I’ve personally already forgotten all of my self-care tips from part 1 and feel like they’ve evolved for me. After a quick review, my self-care was previously hinged on some alone time and quiet time. Which, no doubt, some items of my self-care routine still relate to that, but this time, I am more drawn towards self-care that maintains some mental clarity and focus. So, I’m sharing three easy tips I’ve implemented over the past month for better self-care, that keeps you feeling motivated and inspired.

self care during a pandemic may include a bottle of champagne while wrapped in a towel which is what Signed Samantha has going on.

Self-Care 101: Take A Break When You Need It

Are you someone who constantly needs to be on the go, go, go and feels completely and utterly unproductive if you don’t ever stop? But eventually you hit this wall where you also feel unproductive because you desperately need a break?!

I had a groundbreaking moment this month where I realized that I desperately needed a break early one week. Being the go, go, go type that I am, I didn’t stop for that break. I made it through the week, however, I felt the impact on my productivity and still felt that lack of motivation on Friday. So I took the morning to myself to let me do what I wanted to do.

Can you even guess what happened?!

That Friday afternoon, I was back, clear-headed and ready to accomplish all that I would typically tackle over a weekend in one afternoon.

Since then, I have learned: take the break. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you need it. When you come back, you’ll be 1000x more productive, creative, and inspired than before.

Morning Meditation For Self Care

This one is inspired by Jenny (my IG/meal plan partner in crime), who influenced me to start my mornings without technology and in complete silence.

It’s an incredibly peaceful way to start your day. No interruption or distractions allows you to set your intention for the day and go into it feeling calm, refreshed, and ready for anything.

This was such an easy self-care item that I couldn’t pass up trying. Now it’s part of my daily routine!

Here are some of my quiet morning must-haves:

Self-Care during a pandemic includes working out. Samantha standing in a nike top drinking water after working out

Self-Care Workouts

Working out… Not something I would usually categorize as self-care. Often I tend to consider it to be more like torture. In all seriousness, I do know it is self-care in the most literal sense. I’m not going to lecture you on why you should work out: you know why (I know why, even though it takes a serious kick to get me out the door these days).

With the warmer weather, I’ve started doing bootcamp – outside, properly socially distanced – with a few other girls and an instructor who lives in our neighbourhood. It’s a fun way to safely work out, stay motivated, and do something good for your mental and physical health.

If you’re like me and unmotivated in the workout realm, my suggestion is to find a routine that will work for you. With the weather turning, get creative – why not go outside and enjoy some fresh air by doing a workout in the park with friends.

You also don’t need much in terms of equipment. Have a peek at some of my at home gym must haves:

You got this! Make your self-care a priority this week!

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