D.I.Y Wood Bead Garland

We are coming close to the last D.I.Y of the holidays with this D.I.Y wood bead garland. This is the second to last D.I.Y I will bring you this year (I’m pretty sure, but nothing is ever a guarantee). 

When I started this D.I.Y Wood Bead Garland, I made one too many assumptions about how easy this would be. Don’t get me wrong; this can be an incredibly simple D.I.Y if you have all the right tools. I didn’t. If I did, these D.I.Y wood bead garland would have been a leisurely walk in the park. Without the right tools, it was more like a rapid jog, which is challenging for someone who hates running in general….A.K.A, me. 

Here is a quick recap of the D.I.Y’s we’ve run through this holiday season before we get into the D.I.Y Wood Bead Garlands:

+ D.I.Y Christmas Ornaments with Greenery 

+ D.I.Y Christmas Mini Trees 

+ D.I.Y Christmas Card Holder

+ Winter Pot Ideas

+ D.I.Y Christmas Terrariums 

That’s a decently hefty list to create some inspo to festive up your homes. Okay, let’s get started with the next one. D.I.Y wood bead garland.

They Key To These Wood Bead Garlands

The magic tool for making wood bead garland includes having a needle with a big enough eye to thread your string of choice. 

This is what I was lacking. I only have small needles for “normal” thread – sorry, I’m not a sewer. Is this even real terminology? 

Having a needle makes the process so quick! Then you’re not sitting there effectively threading each bead, but rapidly just sliding the bead on the needle.

A close up of D.I.Y wood bead garland on Signed Samantha's Christmas Tree.

Wood and Greenery

I wanted to do these D.I.Y wood garland this year because of how beautifully the deep green from the tree and natural wood go together. It might be one of my favorite color pairings ever. 

On another note, I wanted to make this garland because it is SO expensive to buy. It is a lot less expensive to make it on your own. 

D.I.Y wood bead garland on Signed Samantha's Christmas Tree. Her and her daughter are sitting in front of the tree

How to Make D.I.Y Wood Bead Garland


+ Wood beads of varying sizes (I used these and these – which created a 12-foot strand)

+ Ribbon or twine

+ A needle with a large enough eye for your ribbon or twine to fit through


1. Feed the ribbon or twine you got through your needle. Loop the ribbon or twine back slightly and tie a knot so that the twine or ribbon stays in place. 

2. Pick a pattern you like and start feeding the beads onto the ribbon or twine via the needle. Continue until you’re out of ribbon or twine or beads. 

* I literally opened the ribbon package I used and took a few wraps off so I could get started – but did not cut an end to start. Once I was done, I tied up both ends and then cut where I needed. 

3. Once you’ve reached the end, tie up both sides with big enough knots such that the beads cannot slip off. Make sure you also tie a loop such that you can hook it onto a tree branch. 

4. Repeat until you’ve run out of beads or string or you are satisfied with how much length you have.  


  • Erin

    These turned out so pretty & festive! Every single time you post a holiday decor DIY, I am blown away girl. I need to level up my skills!!!

    • Samantha

      Thank you lovely! You can do this one – it requires minimal skill I promise. I think Sloane could do it – or she’d get the concept! LOL

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