Another week, another Sun-D.I.Y this time, we finally got around to making our D.I.Y canvas frame that you voted you wanted to see! I’m so so so happy with the way it turned out.

Oh, if you were following along on Instagram and voted, black actually beat out light grey, but McGregor wanted light grey. I figured since this D.I.Y abstract black and white art was actually for him for our anniversary, he should get to pick.

In addition, since this art was for our anniversary, I also thought I should go ahead and celebrate it again… Hence the bubbles in the bath. Thank goodness it took us over a month to get around to so we could extend the celebrations… Who are we kidding? I’m extending the celebrations. McGregor wasn’t drinking with me, LOL. 

P.S. for next week’s Sun-D.I.Y, we will be getting into some winter items… be prepared!!!

For now, I will embrace the last non-holiday-festive-y D.I.Y with this D.I.Y canvas frame.

Signed Samantha sitting on the ledge of her bathtub admiring her D.I.Y Canvas Frame

Inexpensive D.I.Y Canvas Frame

This all started because I really couldn’t justify many hundreds of dollars on framing my artwork. Although it turned out rather amazingly, I’m not quite at that level of “artiste.” You know the level where you’d spend a lot of money to showcase it. 

I mean, it’s good, but I actually think the frame we’ve accomplished here is the right type of frame for this art. The one thing I wish we used is a spray painter for a smoother finish. If you have that, I think you’d be extra pleased with this gorgeous thing.

But, if you have paint and tools on hand you can use, or know of a store that will give you a small sample-sized tin for free, you can make this for $15 – which is how much the wood cost us. That’s 15 dollars Canadian vs. $300. Yes, please.  

a close of of Signed Samantha's D.I.Y canvas frame. It is a thin grey frame around her canvass.

Canvas Frame to Complete the Piece

We also debated leaving this piece without a frame, but both agreed that something would seem incomplete. Maybe incomplete is the wrong word; maybe it’s that it would seem more amateur. 

Now with the D.I.Y canvas frame, it does look more professional. You know, purchased from a store.. or even an artist! 

a close of of Signed Samantha's D.I.Y canvas frame. It is a thin grey frame around her canvas.

How to Make a D.I.Y Canvas Frame


+ Wood (we purchased two 1x4x12 pieces for our frame size)

+ 2x Paint Brush

+ Primer (you will use a tiny, tiny, amount – buy the smallest tin possible)

+ Paint (you will use a tiny, tiny, amount – buy the smallest tin possible)

+ Table Saw

+ Chop Saw

+ Finishing Nails

+ Wood Filler

+ Sand Paper 

Signed Samantha's D.I.Y Canvas frame - showing the wood and 45 degree cut that needed to made
Signed Samantha's D.I.Y Canvas frame - showing the wood used for the project


1. Measure exterior of canvas for top and bottom lengths and side heights (ours was approximately 4 feet by 5 feet and 1.5” deep)

2. Using a table saw, cut the wood to the proper widths (for us, it was 1.5 inches for all four pieces)  

3. Choose the sides of the wood that are the most clear of knots, scratches, deficiencies and mark side and front that you want exposed

4. You will be using a chop saw at a 45 degree angle to cut mitred angles at each end. Measure to the outside corner of the canvas plus, the angle depth should be equal the thickness of your frame depth (e.g., 1.5” for us – cut pictured below – so for the sides, our cuts were 4 feet, 3 inches and for the lengths, it was 5 feet 3 inches). Once the mitre cuts are completed at both ends, you can sand down each cut to remove any burs or rough cuts.

5. Prior to painting, use a light grade sand paper to sand down the exposed surfaces and ensure a smooth surface.

6. Prime the wood using a primer that will cover knots as they will seep through the paint eventually – you also only need to prime the two exposed sides (unless you’re a little OCD like me and felt it would be incomplete otherwise)

7. Paint your pieces of wood (again, very feasible on only two sides if you want – no one would notice if you skipped the bottom and back). We did two coats to ensure it was all covered. 

 8. Once the paint is completely dry, use 1.5’ finishing nails to secured to the canvas frame. Based on the wood cuts, you may have to make adjustments as you work your way down the board length to compensate for any potential warping.

9. Countersink nails to allow for some minor filling, sanding and a paint touch up.

10. The corner joints may not adjoin perfectly and depending on your requirements, you can either clamp and glue the corners or like us, you can fill, sand and repaint the joints for a seamless transition.

a close of of Signed Samantha's D.I.Y canvas frame. It is a thin grey frame around her canvas.


  • Erin

    This turned out so dang well! I love that you’re still celebrating your anniversary a month later too. Let the celebrations continue as long as possible! This frame & work all looks so professionally done – I feel like you are a blooming artiste, girl!

    • Samantha

      Oh, thank you so much! I am so grateful this blog has given me a creative outlet!!! Feeling fortunate I found it so I can pretend I’m an artist haha!

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