Simple Fall Front Door Decor

McGregor and I have been talking for ages about warming up our front entrance. As relatively new single-family homeowners, there are some (okay, fine, a ton of) things we’re learning. Some of which includes the fact that front door decor is generally seasonal… not because you want it to be but because plants die… I mean… thrive in different seasons, which gives you a decent excuse to mix it up continually. So here we are with some fall front door decor.

With Sloane being born last year and all of her health complications, we were not focused on what our front door looked like. This year with all of that (mostly – if you missed it, you can read all about our experience here) behind us and with us being home so much – thanks, COVID – we are ready to dive into the seasonal door decor. 

We are starting at a beautiful time and are excited to share our simple fall front door decor. For me, it was either going to begin in fall or winter… I’m excited it’s fall and be able to fine-tune it for winter. I also really wanted it to remain as simple fall front door decor because if it’s being switched up 3-4 times a year, it needs to stay simple, subtle, affordable, and easy for me. 

Also, let’s be clear here, when I saw “we”, I’m talking about the royal “we” above. The royal we includes McGregor saying he wants to warm up the front door but then leaves it to me to do. That is not a complaint, because I enjoy things like this. I didn’t want you ladies to get too jealous that McGregor was into decorating the front. He’s not. He’s into the finished product, though. 

Alright, onto the Simple fall front door decor, we go!

Signed Samantha's super simple fall front door decor tips include mums - six baskets of large, medium, and small sized ones are pictured, along with pumpkins, white ones pictured on the ground next to the mums, and wreaths, also pictured on the door.

Mums for Simple Fall Front Door Decor

I’m living under a rock over here. It wasn’t until recently that I’ve paid attention to 99% of the things I care about now… Clean counters, seasonal plants, organizing my drawers… the list goes on.

These are all little habits that have developed over time. Okay, why was I living under a rock? Because my mom had to introduce me to these mums. I didn’t even know what they were until this year. This part is shocking because once September hit, literally every store you go to, they are sitting out front.

Anyways, mums are a super simple fall front door decor item that will make anyone coming to your front door feel happy and welcome. I also shared a DIY tutorial on how to make a very inexpensive pot to house your mums in. Since they are so temporary, I needed something very inexpensive.

Search around for your best prices – divide and conquer with your friends. I saw some large ones for as low as $14.99/pot and had to share with the girls.

Signed Samantha's super simple fall front door decor tips include mums - six baskets of large, medium, and small sized ones are pictured, along with pumpkins, white ones pictured on the ground next to the mums, and wreaths, also pictured on the door.

A Seasonal Wreath to Add to Your Simple Fall Front Door Decor 

You have to know how proud I am of my wreath already, right?! Just in case you don’t, the full post on it is here. But I am so proud of it because of how versatile it is.

For the summer, I didn’t have any additions in yet. But for my simple fall door decor, I have this darling little hedgehog in it with some pumpkins. 

I also have my items ready for winter. 

Anyways, a fall wreath looks so inviting in your door, and it is a ridiculously easy way to bring the season almost inside, and help your guests or mail person or whoever feel the fall festiveness. 

Big wreath advocate over here.  You can hang them with a 3M hook very easily so if you ever choose to take the wreath down, your door is not damaged.

Pumpkins for Simple Fall Door Decor

As I keep writing this, it’s really bugging me, should this post be fall entry decor… then it seems like it’s inside, right? Outside entry? Porch?? Oh well, it’s not just about the door. But I assume there’s a word I’m forgetting that would cover what I want to say… 

ANYWAYS! Moving on to pumpkins and gourds!!! Effortless fall door decor items. There aren’t enough out at my door for me just yet. I think I will wait for the less expensive ones at the pumpkin patch. However, I wanted some for this post. Plus, pumpkins are so sweet; they scream fall. AND if you don’t get the wild orange ones, then it’s also very subtle. 

I opted for white, but once we hit up the pumpkin patch, McGregor will push hard for orange. I won’t say no because he wants to carve it as well. He’s the fun dad, no wonder he’s Sloanes fave LOL.

Is there anything else you’re doing to spruce up your front porch area with fall decor?


  • Sherri

    Looks fantastic- you nailed warming it up!

    • Samantha

      Thank you!!! Just need a few more pumpkins and my plants to stop dying then we’ll be there! LOL

  • Erin

    I love this! The pumpkins, wreath, and flowers all go so flawlessly together. It all looks perfect for fall. 🙂 Please share with me some of your decorative capabilities!!

    • Samantha

      I won’t lie, there is A LOT of my mom’s guidance in there. and cruising Insta or Pinterest for inspo. Then all the trial and error you can tolerate haha!

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