Coffee table style. My nemesis. Coffee table style with a toddler. Dear lord. What am I supposed to do?!

There are so many possibilities for coffee table style that I find it incredibly hard to narrow down what mine is. Right now, I have a limiting factor (Sloane), so my options do not include anything that’s even remotely fragile…

Because of this, I have (okay fine, my mom has) come up with some sensible decor items that are aesthetically pleasing, that hide or incorporate the toys/books, and that can double as toys… or at least are durable enough to handle a few tosses here and there.

The only thing I haven’t found a solution for yet includes not getting fingerprints on a glass tabletop that I’ve just wiped clean… who had the brilliant idea to get a class coffee table anyways?!

Because our coffee table is SO massive and has a glass top, I’ve decided only to decorate the bottom. You can see everything through there, and honestly, if I decorated the top, it would just be an excuse for a little missy to climb on top of the table to grab whatever it was that she “needed” in that moment.

Less is more for us here. But eventually, I intend to graduate to the top of my coffee table also being styled.

There are so many great pages for inspiration out there, but I completely get that everyone has a different looking coffee table and that it’s tough to find an exact styling to replicate. Given that, my goal is for these tips to be broad enough so you can take some inspiration and pull it into your own homes! I also linked a few fave coffee tables that are different from mine at the bottom of the article.

But I am now ready to jump into today’s three! 

Signed Samantha's is sitting with her legs off to the side, leaning on her coffee table that she is looking over thinking about her coffee table style tips. The top is glass and the bottom has a number of coffee table books stacked in piles, a basket with toddler books in it, baskets and decorative wood pieces.

All of the Coffee Table Books

Coffee table books are the easiest way to up your coffee table style. However, it is not necessarily the most affordable way to do it.

My mom has been encouraging coffee table books for a long, long time. I couldn’t get behind $100 per book. Luckily, Home Sense came to my rescue (after almost being there daily for a week) and hooked it up with $15-$60 books at my disposal.

My mom’s easy coffee table style tip is to get books all within the same color family and group by color. It creates a clean and cohesive look. Plus, that way you’re not fiddling around too much with your books as there are already matched up.

There are a few other coffee table books I love that don’t come with the crazy price tags (here and here) … There are also a few that are a little bit more on the pricier side that are must-haves and are unlikely to appear at Home Sense… a few of both options are linked below.


Coffee Table Style using two white coffee table books ( the coveteur and bazar models) along with a gold round shape over top.

Baskets and Beads

Baskets have been my savior with Sloane. I mentioned in my toddler-friendly home decor post that I have a small basket addiction (I can quit any time… I swear). Honestly, they are incredibly useful. These come in a three pack from Ikea and are dirt cheap. The inside of them, since my daughter is a nosey nelly, also contains some of her toys.

I have another large basket where I pile up all of her little books. So her “coffee table books” also make an appearance.

Finally, decorative beads are a MUST. They are so pretty, and they add a beautiful touch to everything. This one is from The Cross, and it was not overly expensive. I try to tell Sloane that its Mama’s and to look only but don’t touch, but 90% of the time, that only goes so far. Needless to say, they are durable too!

Coffee table style includes coffee table books, three of them all light blush pink, one is Chanel, one is called inspired, and one is a family photo album

Wood Items for your Coffee Table

I’ve found wooden objects to be great items to decorate with having a kiddo around. They are definitely durable and not breakable. Plus, now there are so many beautiful wooden options out there. Inside of the plastic bowl (that looks like wood)  closest to me is a wood chain piece. I found that one at Home Sense – obviously where I love to shop. There are so many more around that I’ve seen lately, and they might become my new addiction.

Those are the basic principles I’ve been working with so far! I’ll keep you updated as I continue to make progress. In the meantime, I’ve linked some of my favorites for other coffee table styles… I’ve tried to find coffee tables with different shapes and materials to kick start your searches.

Sivan Ayla has a big full wood coffee table that she’s decorated beautifully with books, vases, candles, matches, etc.

+ The Skinny Confidential combines a perfect amount of moody masculinity and feminine in her coffee table style.

+ Studio McGee runs through the easiest way to style a round coffee table. 



  • Erin

    Your coffee table looks SO stylish! I wish mine looked half as nice as that ? I’m loving the idea of coffee table books. I always see that in people’s homes and think it’s so aesthetically pleasing, but have never invested in my own. Maybe it’s time to try it out!?

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