Refreshing Pineapple Mint Smoothie

Do you ever just feel like a bag of garbage because you’ve been eating so poorly? This refreshing smoothie comes at an ideal time for me. I’ve been eating so poorly lately.

Partly because I haven’t had the time to put thoughts into healthy lunches – the meal I’m slacking on – and partly because I haven’t prioritized it.

Lunch for me is also usually when I “break my fast” from the evening. I believe I mentioned that in my granola bowl post. Breaking your fast is the worst time to eat burritos, nachos, pirogies, etc regularly. So good, though, right?!

Need a change of diet lifestyle.

Anyways, my focus this week is healthy.

Image of a refreshing smoothie - with pineapple and mint sticking out of the glass with the green smoothie. Plus more pineapple and mint in the background.

Hence my healthy and refreshing pineapple mint smoothie.

This smoothie allows me to get my fruit and veggies in first thing in the morning if I so choose, or for lunch or as an intro to a full meal. Not to mention, it is so good.

This smoothie makes you feel like you’re in paradise, on a tropical beach somewhere. You are sipping something good. Usually, that thought would come with maybe a cocktail for me. But honestly, you could splash some tequila in this (ruin the healthiness) and EASILY pretend you’re lounging on a beach somewhere warm.

I’m off-topic again, trying to be healthy is hard for me! I better get back on track before I ruin my healthy recipe!

This refreshing smoothie – makes four 16oz smoothies – I make ahead the night before or the morning of. I find these smoothies last well for three days in the fridge but taste the best if consumed within the first 12 hours.

Sloane gobbles it up, as does McGregor. I am the only I know one whose husband is picker than their child – so his liking it says a lot!

It is one of those easy recipes the whole family obsesses over.

This is also one of the few things mama gets first dibs on – don’t mess with my smoothies.

Image of the ingredients to make a refreshing pineapple mint smoothie. Includes chopped pineapple, mint leaves, and mango slices.

Refreshing Pineapple and Mint Smoothie

Makes four 16oz smoothies


+ 1/2 of a pineapple, peeled and cored

+ 2 cups spinach

+ 1/4 cup mint

+ 1 cup sliced mango (fresh or frozen)

+ 3/4 cup coconut water

+ 3/4 cup juice (mango, orange, pineapple blend of sorts – your choice) – optional (double coconut water if you want to omit the juice)

Image of a refreshing smoothie - with pineapple and mint sticking out of the glass with the green smoothie. Plus more pineapple and mint in the background.


1. In a large blender, combine the pineapple, spinach, mint, mango, coconut water, and juice.

2. Blend until smooth. I use a Vitamix, so it tears everything apart rather rapidly. If your blender isn’t as powerful, I would suggest adding more liquid.

3. Evenly split your refreshing smoothie into four glasses and garnish with pineapple and mint, if desired.


  • molly

    This sounds amazing!

  • Alexandra

    This sounds so delicious, especially during this hot summer. Thanks for the idea, I’m definitely trying it!

    • Samantha

      It’s so nice during the hot summer! I’m just about to make another batch. I hope you enjoy it!

  • Megan

    This looks amazing! Can’t wait to try!

    • Samantha

      Thank you so much, it’s so refreshing. I highly suggest enjoying on a warm summer day!

  • Erin

    This looks sooo yummy and refreshing! Perfect for summer ?

    Erin | Vitality Vixens

    • Samantha

      So ideal for summer. I’m about to make another batch to enjoy outside with my daughter on this very hot summer day! If you try it out, let me know what you think! XO

  • Hari Dass

    wow! great smoothy recipe!
    I love pineapple and it is a good thing to try! thanks for sharing!

    • Samantha

      The pineapple flavor comes through strong on this one. I think you will enjoy it!

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