home office and guest room pictured is the home office space with a wooden desk, office chair, and dark green/bronze cabinetry behind

efore we close out the first month of 2024, I wanted to sneak in my 2024 project list for around the house. Both 2022 and 2023 were big years for projects in this house. This year, I hope to slow down and do some small but impactful updates that will improve how we use spaces daily and bring together a feeling of more completeness in spaces. The small but impactful updates will be things like completing a space with a big piece of art, adding some new drapery, or some more functional furniture. I guess project list might be a misleading title for this post, but I'll be honest - with two kids, DIY gets put on the back burner. Additionally, instead of further frustrating what is often a frustrating process, I'm embracing this stage of life and making my 2024 list feasible for where we are.

2024 project list includes new end tables in the bedroom

The Main Floor Projects

The main floor is getting closer and closer to looking complete. We have a few outstanding items that I want to tackle this year – and after I ramble on about how there will be no DIYs and only smaller updates, I’m remembering that I want to see an update in the powder room. I’m thinking of wallpaper for a little fun. So don’t judge; that’s a smaller project that doesn’t require power tools. It should be fine, right?! LOL. Okay, so the hit list for 2024 projects on the main floor:

  • Art above the sofa in the family room
  • Hang Sconces in the family room (around art)
  • Curtains in the living room (wider and fuller)
  • Mantle decor in the living room
  • More storage in the living room
  • Powder Room Wallpaper

Extra wish list if I’m crazy – new kitchen stools and new dining chairs. But I have two young children so both would probably be a stupid move… which I’m known to do once in a while.

project list - finishing the family room

Project List for the Rest of the House

The rest of the house’s needs are minimal too. In a perfect world the first item on the project list would be to redo the carpets upstairs to match the flooring throughout the rest of the house. But in reality that’s expensive and our flooring is discontinued so it suddenly becomes very expensive.

That being said, I have some super small things here and there I want to get done, mostly revolving around decor/furniture purchases again:

  • Primary bathroom, new bathmats. Right now we have one for the shower and one for the bath and, well, they don’t match so I want to fix that.
  • New bedside tables in the primary bedroom. Something a little more our style – these still lean mid-century modern.
  • Finishing touches in the office. I still have to print family photos for the office and decorate the floating shelf. Minor, but also eventually needs to happen!
Project list new kitchen chairs

Dream Project for 2024

Now, all seriousness aside, if there were double the hours in a day, I would want to take on the basement as my dream project on the 2024 project list. It’s already the ultimate kid’s zone – based on me putting all the toys down there. However, I would want to build out some fun activties – think climbing wall, slide, canopy hangout. Those kinds of things.

The reality is that even just typing it is more ambition than I have in me right now. You never know though, a year is a long time! So maybe, just maybe, the kids will get a super cool zone!

What’s on your project list this year? Just in case you wanted to see 2022 and 2023 lists here they are! 

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